\ ik(ii\iA inoc.k Ai'in'
designed to ]>l- the finest and most complete
in the south, nearly ready to be commenced
when death took away the head of the move-
ment and it was abandoned. Later, how-
ever, a part of the money he donated was
used for the intended purpose and a fine
building erected and donated to the city
with an endowment fund for its mainte-
n.ance. This library, valuable and useful as
it is. and emphasizing as it does the public
spirit and generosity of its donor, does not
compare in value with the value of his life
as an example and an inspiration to young
men. The influence of his life was always
felt for good and the lesson it teaches will
ever live.
Mr. [ones married Alary Frances, daugh- ter of Richard and Isabella (Newell) Watts (of extended mention elsewhere in this work). Children, all now deceased: George Lee, May Lillie, Nannie Belle. Mrs. Mary Frances (Watts) Jones survives her hus- band, a resident of Lynchburg, her beauti- ful home being upon Rivermont avenue.
William Henry White. A tradition handed down in the family of William Henry White relates that the family is descended from one of two brothers who came from Wales during the colonial period of Virginia, one of whom was drowned in landing from the ship on which they came, and the other brother settled in Gloucester county, Vir- ginia, where he married a Miss Robbins, and had issue. The emigrant ancestor of Glou- cester county thus became the founder of this particular \\'hite family in Virginia.
(I) William White, a descendant, was born in Norfolk county, Virginia. Lie served in a cavalry company from Norfolk county, Virginia, in the war of 1812. Lie was a merchant, a Whig, and a member of the Methodist church. He married Lovey Wil- son, nee Old, the widow of Miles Wilson, in Norfolk county, Virginia. They had sev- eral children, namely : William, of whom more hereafter ; Cyrena. John R.. Edward Park, Littleton W.'
(II) Dr. William (21 While, son of \Vi\- liam ( I ) and Lovey (()ld-W"ilson) White, was ])orn in Norfolk county, Virginia, in the year 1824. He was educated for the medical profession and was a physician at Portsmouth, A'irginia. He was a Whig in politics, a member of the Virginia secession convention in 1861, and afterward colonel
of the l-ourteenth Regiment of X'irginia In-
fantry. Armstead's brigade, Pickett's divis-
ion. He participated in Pickett's famous
charge at (Jettysburg, July 3, 1863, and was
severely wounded in three places, but re-
covered. He married Henrietta Turner,
daughter of William and Mary (King)
Turner, in King William county, Virginia.
She was born there in 1826, was descended
from the Turners of the "Grove," an estate
near the Piping Tree ferry on the Pamunky
river in King William county. X'irginia, dur-
ing colonial days. Issue of Dr. and Mrs.
William White: Hilah F.. born April 6.
1845, married Judge John M. WTiite, of
Charlottesville, X'irginia ; William Henry,
of whom more hereafter; James Turner,
born Julv 6, 1853, in Norfcjlk county, \'ir-
(HI) William Henry White, son of Dr. William (2) and Henrietta (Turner) WTiite, was born April 16, 1847, i" Norfolk county, Virginia. He received his elementary in- struction in the private school of Heath Jones Christian, at Richmond, Virginia; then attended the Virginia Military Insti- tute, at Lexington, Virginia, in 1864 and 1865 ; in 1865-66 and 1866-67, the University of \lrginia, but did not lake a degree for want of time to complete the course. His educational work was interrupted by the state of war then prevailing, and while at the Virginia Military Institute he served with the corps of cadets from that institu- tion at the battle of New Market, Virginia. He studied law and began to practice, April 17, 1868, at Portsmouth, Virginia.
He was elected commonwealth attorney for Norfolk county in 1869, and removed to Norfolk City in 1870; was elected common- wealth attorney for Norfolk City in 187 1. He was United States district attorney for the eastern district of \Trginia, 1893-97, during President Cleveland's second admin- istration. In 1873 h^ formed a partnership to practice law with Judge Theodore b. Garnett, under the name of White (!s: Gar- nett. which continued until 1903. and shortly after the last mentioned date he formed an- other co-partnership under the firm name of White, Tunstall & Thom, attorneys-at-law, which continued until January i, 1907, when Mr. White retired from the firm. He was general counsel for the City Gas Company, of Norfolk ; the Old Dominion Steamship
Company, and of the Norfolk & Southern