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tion. This Robert Gary, hearing tliereof, made suit forthwith to the Prince that he might answer the challenge * * * At the time and day prefix'd both parties met, and died perform sundrie feites of arms, but in the end this Robert gave the foils and overthrow to the Aragon Kt., disarmed and spoiled him, which his doinge so well pleased the Prince that he received him into great favor, caused him to be restored to the most part of his father's lands and willed him also for a perpetual memorie of his victorie that he should thence forth give the same arms as did the Aragon Kt., which both he and all of his successors to this day enioyed, which is "Argent, on bend sable three roses argent," for before they did bear, "Gules, Chevron cntre three swans argent."

The arms of the Carys of Bristol and of A'irginia were identical with those of Sir Robert Gary, of Devon, above referred to. There is a tradition in \'irginia that Sir Henry Gary, Knight, a royalist leader, who went into exile after the defeat of Charles {., came to Virginia and left posterity, and some of the descendants of Miles have claimed descent from him.

Descended from Adam De Kari, perhaps in the tenth generation, was William Gary, born about 1500, mayor of Bristol, 1546, died 1572. His son, Richard, a merchant of Bristol, born 1525, died 1570, had a son William, born 1550, died 1632. wdio was, like his grandfather, mayor of Bristol, in t6ii. William Gary, by his marriage with Alice Goodall, had seven sons, the third of whom, John, born in 1583. died in 1662, a merchant of Bristol, married Alice Hobson and was the father of Golonel Miles Gary, propositus of the Garys of Virginia. The seventh son of William and Alice (Goodall) Gary, James, born in 1600, died in 1681, came to Gharlestown. Massachusetts, in 1639, and was the ancestor of the Massa- chusetts family of Gary, Richard Gary, aide- de-camp to General Washington, and Mrs. Agassiz being members of this branch.

He whotn the branch of the family to which Lucius Falkland Gary, of Richmond, has as American ancestor is Golonel Miles Gary, above mentioned, born in Bristol, England, in 1620, died in 1667. He came to Virginia, 1640-46, and settled in Warwick county, where he married Anne, daughter of Thomas Taylor Hobson, one of the early settlers. He acquired and resided upon the estate known as 'Alagpie Swamps," ob- tained by his father-in-law, Gaptain Hob- son, which he devised to his eldest son, Thomas. He was a member of the King's

council, burgess, escheater general, and owned nearly two thousand acres of land, well stocked, and numerous slaves, besides a store and mill. He mentioned in his w^U two houses in England, presumably in I'ris- tol. one in I5allaum, the other in St. Nicho- las street, to be sold for the benefit of his daughters. He had seven children, four sons and three daughters, the line descend- ing through Golonel ]Miles (2) Gary, royal naval officer of York river, burgess, sur- vevor general, and rector and trustee of William and Mary Gollege. Golonel Miles (2) Gary married Mary Wilson; his son, Golonel Wilson Miles Gary, married Sarah Blair ; his son, Major Wilson Gary, married Jane B). Garr ; his son, Golonel Miles Gary, of "Oak Hill." Fluvanna county, Virginia, married Elizabeth Searsbrooke Wilson Gurle. his entire branch of the family mov- ing to the southwest, with the exception of Lucius Falkland Gary, his son, who re- turned to Virginia.

Lucius Falkland Gary, son of Golonel Miles Gary, and member of the seventh American generation of his line, was born at "Oak Hill," Fluvanna county, Virginia, De- cember 14, 1815, and there passed his active years, his death occurring in 1845, at the early age of thirty years. He became a merchant of the city of Williamsburg, founded an important mercantile establish- ment, and was one of the most influential citizens and business men of the city, the fjusiness of which he was owner the largest of Williamsburg. Lucius F. Gary married Lucv Henley, born in Williamsburg, died in Richmond. Virginia, aged eighty years, and had two children, Hattie. married Wil- liam Ghristian. deceased, and resides in Richmond, and Wilson Miles, of whom fur- ther.

Wilson ^liles Gary, son of Lucius Falk- land and Lucy (Henley) Gary, was born in Mississippi, October 7. 1843. although the family home w^as in Williamsburg. Not long after his birth his mother returned to Williamsburg and here Wilson Miles Gary was reared to manhood, pursuing his studies in the schools of the locality. When not yet of mature age he became a soldier in the Confederate States army, and fought in General Pickett's command until the close of the civil war, his war record one of val- iant service and honorable sacrifice. His

present home is in Richmond, where he lives

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