gentry of Ireland, and have attained dis-
tinction as theologians, clergymen and in
local political circles.
(I) Charles Purcell emigrated to America from Limerick, Ireland, and settled at Rich- mond, Virginia, about 1780, where he ac- quired considerable property, and died there leaving it to his nephew, Charles Purcell. The latter came to Richmond, Virginia, in 1815, to take charge of the estate and set- tled there. He had one sister, Ellen Pur- cell, who married James Barry, of Limerick, Ireland, and they were the parents of the late Lord Justice Charles William Barry, the chief justice of Ireland.
(II) John Purcell, son of Charles Purcell, was born in Richmond, \^irginia, about 181 5. He became a prominent business man of Richmond. He founded the firm of Pur- cell, Ladd & Company, wholesale druggists in Richmond, which business was continued to a late time by his son and grandson. In 1861 he equipped a battery of artillery in the Confederate States army, at his own ex- pense, which was known as the Purcell bat- tery, but he did not himself serve in the army. He was a member of the Roman Catholic church. He died in Richmond. Virginia. He married Martha Webb, daugh- ter of Thomas Tarlton and Harriet (Davis) Webb, in 1842 at Norfolk, Virginia. She was born at Norfolk, and was descended from Webb, Fleming and Randolph ances- try. Children of John and Martha (Webb) Purcell namely: i. John Barry, of whom further. 2. Nora Randolph, who married Thomas Leary. 3. Sarah Elizabeth, who married Alfred Gray. 4. B. L., who mar- ried Lydia Pleasants.
George Webb, the first of the name in America, was a merchant of London, who married Lucy Poster, and had a son, George Webb. He was collector of taxes and prob- ably treasurer of the state of Virginia ; mar- ried Hannah Fleming, a descendant of Sir John Fleming, who married Miss Tarlton ; came to Virginia about 1610. They had a son, George \\'ebb, who married Judith Fleming, daughter of Tarlton and Mary (Randolph) Fleming, of Tuckahoe, the lat- ter named a daughter of William and Maria Judith (Page) Randolph, also sister of Thomas ]\Iann Randolph. Harriet (Davis) Webb, mother of Martha (Webb) Purcell, was a daughter of Augustine and ]\Iartha (Davenport) Davis, the former named
VIR— 7
sometime editor of the Williamsburg, Vir-
ginia. "Tlazette." Thomas T. Webb was
born in Richmond, Virginia. Children of
Mr. and ^Irs. Webb : Virginia, who mar-
ried Admiral John R. Tucker ; Martha, of
whom above ; Harriet, who married Thomas
Riley ; Delia, who married Oscar Cranz ;
William Augustine, who was a commander
in the Confederate States navy, and formerly
lieutenant-comrhander in the United States
navy, and married Elizabeth Fleming;
Louis Warrington, who married a Miss
(HI) John Barry Purcell, son of John and Martha (Webb) Purcell, was born Sep- tember 17, 1849, ^^ Richmond, Mrginia. He attended private schools in Richmond, Vir- ginia, until interrupted by the war ; late in 1864 he enlisted in Company G, Third Vir- ginia Regiment of Light Infantry, and at- tained the rank of orderly sergeant therein. After the war closed he went to the Vir- ginia Military Institute at Lexington, Vir- ginia, from which he graduated July 4, 1868. Soon afterward he entered the em- ploy of Purcell, Ladd & Company, whole- sale druggists, at Richmond, Virginia, and in 1880 became a partner in the firm. Grad- ually the direction of the business devolved upon him, and in 1894 he became the sole owner and proprietor, the business continu- ing under his management and that of his son until 1910, when he retired from active participation therein. For many years Mr. Purcell has been identified with various business and financial interests in Rich- mond. In 1885 he was made director of the P^irst National Bank, became its vice-presi- dent in 1895, and president in 1906, which position he still retains. He was president of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce in 1885 ; member of the Virginia Military In- stitute board of visitors in 1881 ; and was colonel in 1880 of the First Virginia Regi- ment of state militia. In politics he is Demo- crat, but never held or sought public office. He and his family are members of the Pro- testant Episcopal church, and he is a mem- ber of the Westmoreland and the Country clubs, of Richmond, Virginia.
Mr. Purcell married Olympia William- son, daughter of General Thomas H. and Henrietta Louisa (Garnett) Williamson, November 12, 1872, at Lexington, Virginia. Her father was chief engineer of the Con-
federate Army of the Potomac at the first