lo, 1787, in Wadesboro, and died in Pitts-
boro. Chatham county, North Carolina, De-
cember 4, 1856. He married Elizabeth Kin-
chen Alston, daughter of Joseph John Al-
ston, of Chatham county. North Carolina,
and a descendant of John Alston, of Bed-
fordshire. England, who settled in North
Carolina during the colonial period, and had
issue several children and many descendants
in North Carolina and the south.
Samuel Spencer (2) Jackson, son of Sam- uel Spencer (i) and Elizabeth Kinchen (Al- ston) Jackson, was born September 6, 1832, at Pittsboro. He was a lawyer and a clerk and master of equity prior to the civil war. in Randolph county. North Carolina, and died in Ashboro. March 5, 1875. He mar- ried, December. 1856, Elvira Evelyn Worth, daughter of Jonathan and Martitea (Daniel) Worth. Martitea (Daniel) Worth was a daughter of John Daniel, of Charlotte county, Virginia, and Lucy Alurphy, and niece of Judge Archibald De Bow Murphy, of Orange county. North Carolina. Her father. Jonathan Worth, was the thirty- eighth governor of North Carolina. He was born November 18, 1802, in Guilford county. North Carolina, the son of Dr. David Worth, a prominent physician of Guilford county, and he received a fair education in the "Old Eield Schools" of that time. M the age of eighteen he began teaching school and studied law. and began the practice of law at Ashboro, North Carolina, about 1826. Pie was elected to the North Carolina leg- islature in 1830, and re-elected to the same office. In 1840 he was sent to the state senate, again elected in 1858, and reelected in 1860-61, but declined to become a candi- date on the secession ticket ; however, after secession was accomplished he adhered to the de facto government, and in 1862-63 served in the state legislature. Later he was elected state treasurer, and re-elected in 1864, and held that office until the state gov- ernment was overthrown in 1865 by the Federal forces. He was soon afterward elected governor of North Carolina, and held office until July I. 1868, when the. provis- ional state government was superseded by another under direction of Congress. On his removal by military duress he filed a protest that is famous in the history of North Carolina. He died Septem])er 5. 1869. at Raleigh. North Carolina.
Herbert Worth lackson. son of Samuel
Spencer (2) and Elvira Evelyn (Worth)
Jackson, was born February 15, 1865, at
Ashboro. Randolph county. North Carolina.
Pie received elementary instruction in the
local schools of his native town ; later at-
tended Bingham Military School at Mebane,
North Carolina, from 1879 to 1883, and from
1883 to 1886 studied at the University of
North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, from which
he graduated as Ph. D. in 1886. Soon after-
ward he received an appointment as teller
in the treasury department of the state of
North Carolina, wdiere he continued about
two years. He was treasurer of the W"et-
more Shoe & Leather Company of Raleigh,
North Caroliiia, then assistant cashier of the
Commercial c^^: Farmer's Bank, and cashier
of the Commercial National Bank of Ral-
eigh. In January, 1910. he was made presi-
dent of the Virginia Trust Company of
Richmond. A^irginia, and moved his family
to Richmond in February. 1910, where they
now reside.
He married Annie Hyman Phillips, daughter of Judge Frederick and ^Martha (Hyman) Phillips, October 22, 1890, at Raleigh, N'orth Carolina. She was born in 1866 at Tarboro. North Carolina; is the granddaughter of Dr. James Jones and Har- riet (Burt) Philips, and the great-grand- daughter of Hartwell Philips, who came from Mecklenburg county. Virginia, to Edgecombe county. North Carolina. Issue of Herbert Worth and Annie H. (Phillips) Jackson : Evelyn Hyman, born July 12, 1892 ; Herbert \\'orth, September 28. 1897; Fred- erick Philips, November 3, 1899, died 1902; Samuel Spencer, January 23. 1902, at Raleigh.
Mr. Jackson was identified with various commercial and banking enterprises of North Carolina for twenty years. He was director and treasurer of the News & Ob- server Company for fifteen years, and trus- tee of the University of North Carolina five years ; the president of the North Carolina Banker's Association ; and is director and president of the X^irginia Trust Company at Richmond, X'irginia. He was president of the Raleigh Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation, superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday school of Raleigh, for about fifteen years, and an elder in the Presbyterian church there. He is a member and worthy master of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity,
and likewise of the North Carolina Society,