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^■l^^LGI^■lA biography


ily has produced many men of eminence in the state. John (lilliam. a descendant, lived at Osceohi, Buckingham county, Virginia ; he was famous as a "i)eace maker" in the community where he li\ed: and was a planter of large estate, wlio had inherited lands from his ancestors. It is said large tiacts of land were given to his progenitor for services rendered to the English govern- ment in settling territorial disputes with the Indians. He married Judith Rohertson, and had children : William. Wilson. John Rob- ertson, Madison, Martha and Frances.

John Robertson Gilliam, son of John and Judith (Robertson) Gilliam, was born in 1807 at Osceola, Buckingham county. \'ir- ginia. He was a farmer in his native county, and conducted that business on an exten- sive scale ; was a life-long church member and for many years an elder in the Presby- terian church. Mr. Gilliam was twice mar- ried, by his first marriage he became the father of two children : John William, a soldier in the Confederate army, and Mar- garet. In 1835 '^^ married (second) Martha H. (Marshall) Anderson, daughter of John Marshall, a prominent farmer of Charlotte county. Virginia. She was born in 1808, in Charlotte county, \'irginia, and died in i860, in Buckingham county, the same state. By her first marriage to Mr. Anderson she had two children: Sarah E.. and Charles D. An- derson, who was an officer in the Eighteenth Regiment Virginia Infantry. Issue of John Robertson and Martha H. (Marshall-An- derson) Gilliam: Pattie H.. born 1837. in Buckingham county. \'irginia: Marshall M., of whom further.

Marshall M. Gilliam, son of John Robert- son and Martha H. (Marshall-Anderson) Gilliam, was born December 10, 1844, at Os- ceola, Buckingham county, Virginia. He at- tended elementary schools in his native county during the early period of his educa- tion ; and then studied' at Hampden-Sidney College, in Prince Edward county, Mrginia, from which he graduated in 1859 as A. B. He spent a year or so in travel and study until the opening of the civil war, and in 1861 went to the Eighteenth Virginia Regiment on a visit to his brother, who was an of^cer in that regiment ; returned to Buckingham county and enlisted in Company K. Fourth Virginia Cavalry, known as Jeb Stewart's cavalry, and served in that branch of the Confederate armv throughout the war. The

cavalry company above mentioned was or- ganized in Buckingham county by Captain P. W. McKinney who was afterward gov- ernor of Virginia. The company was in (General Stewart's cavalry raid around Mc- Clellan's army below Richmond, in the sum- mer of 1862; it was also in the movement tb.at flanked Meade's right wing at Gettys- burg, July 2, 1862, and IVivate Gilliam par- ticipated in those two and other raids, skir- mishes and battles of Stewart's cavalry until the end of the war. When Lee surrendered at A])pomattox, he escaj)ed through the Fed- eral lines, and joined General Joseph E. Johnston's army in North Carolina, and after the surrender to General Sherman, he Ijrought back to their owners eighty-five horses and mules which had been taken from Virginia. After the close of the war, Mr. Gilliam entered the University of Vir- ginia in 1865, where he studied law in con- nection with certain special studies in the academic department; and graduated as LL. B. in 1867. In 1868 he went to Richmond, \'irginia. wlure he engaged in the practice of law which has been continued since that time. In [869 at the solicitation of Colonel John H. (iuy. one of the most distinguished lawyers in \'irginia. a partnership wa^ formed under the firm name of Guy & Gil- liam, which lasted until Mr. Guy's death in 1886; and since its dissolution, Mr. Gilliam has continued to practice law alone, in Rich- mond, Virginia.

Marshall M. Gilliam married (first) De- cember I, 1870. in Richmond. \'irginia. Mary Roche Hoge. daughter of Rev. Moses Drury and Susan Morton ( Wood ) Hoge. She was born l-'ebruary 7. 1847. ""* Rich- mond, died there in March. 1902. She was descended from the Hoge family of Rich- mond. Her father. Moses Drury Hoge. D. D.. was pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Richmond for fifty-four years. Mr. Gilliam married (second) in Richmond. November 15, 1906, Emma S. Stewart, daughter of John W. and Mary Wilson (Sherrard) Stewart. She was born in 1851 in Jerrardstown, \'irginia : and her father. John W. Stewart, was a large dealer in to- bacco, at Alexandria. \^irginia.

Issue of Mr. Gilliam by first wife : i. Hoge, born September 4. 1872. in Richmond. \'ir- ginia ; educated at Sampson's school near the University of Virginia : married Edith

L. Rossman, January 17, 1900. 2. Mary

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