Virginia, and had nine children, namely: i.
Mary E., born August 22, 1862, married G.
Harvey Clarke, of Richmond, Virginia. 2.
Edward P>agby, born October 9, 1864; min-
ister, author and scholar, also A. AI.. Ph.
D., and D. D., is professor at the Crozer
Theological Seminary at Chester, Pennsyl-
\ania. 3. Juliet, born September 22, 1866,
married J. W'. Wills, of Atlanta, Georgia.
4. Bessie G., born November 30, 1868, mar-
ried Millard E. Cox, of Louisville, Ken-
tucky. 5. John Garland, of whom further.
6. Annie Maude, born November 17, 1874,
m.arried Robert Lee Turman, of Atlanta.
Georgia. 7. Lalla Rookh, born May 28,
1879, married O. P. Smoot, of Bowling
Cjreen, V^irginia. 8. Susie Virginia, born
May 27,, 1882, died August 25, 1936. unmar-
ried. 9. (irace Nelson, born October 28.
1883, married Rev. Robert H. McCaslin. D.
1)., of Montgomery, Alabama.
(VI) John Garland Pollard, son of Rev. John (2) and Virginia (Bagby) Pollard, was horn August 4. 1871, in King and Queen county, \'irginia. Me was educated in the local schools, at the Richmond (X^irginia) College, and at the Columbian University of Washington, D. C, from which last named institution he graduated in 1893 with the LL. B. degree. He began the practice of law in the same year at Richmond. Virginia, and has continued actively in the profession since that time.
In politics Mr. l*ollard is a Democrat, and has long been identified in local and state political affairs. He was a member of the Virginia State Constitutional Convention in 1901-02, in which he was a representative from Richmond ; was presidential elector on the Democratic ticket in 1904, and served as chairman of the Virginia Commission of Uniform State Laws. He was editor of the Annotated Code of V'irginia in 1904, and editor of the "Law Register" from 1904 to 1906. He has also Ijeen mayor of Ginter Park, a suburb of Richmond. In 19 13 he was elected attorney-general of the state of Virginia.
Mr. Pollard was sometime president of the Capitol Savings Hank of Richmond, and director of the Bank of Cejmmerce and Trusts, also of the National Bank of Vir- ginia. In 191 3 he was director of the Old Dominion Trust Company, of the Central National P)ank, and of the .Schmelz Broth- ers, Bankers, Incorporated, at Richmond.
Virginia. He is a member of the Beta
Theta Pi and the Phi Beta Kappa, Greek
letter college fraternities ; member of the
local Blue Lodge. Ancient Free and Accep-
ted Masons ; of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows and of the Royal Arcanum.
In religion he attends the Baptist church at
Richmond, \'irginia.
He married Grace Phillips, the loth day of August, 1898, at Portsmouth, Virginia. She was born May 5, 1873, in Elizabeth City county, Virginia, and was the daughter of Captain Charles T. Phillips, clerk of the courts at Portsmouth, Virginia. Issue of John (jarland and Grace (Phillips) Pollard: Garland, born November 15. 1901, in Rich- m.ond, Virginia ; Charles Phillips, born No- vember 15, 1903, in the same city; Susie Virginia, born August 30, 1906, in Rich- mond. Virginia.
Marshall M. Gilliam. The antecedents of Marshall M. Gilliam are by tradition said to be of Norman origin. The name was an- ciently spelled Gillaume. from which its modern form has been derived. It is said that three brothers. John, William and Rob- ert Gilliam, emigrated to Virginia about 1680, from England. John Gilliam settled at "Puddledock," Prince George county, then in Charles City county, and married Ann Bathurst by whom he had issue: i. Robert, married Lucy Sk^lton, heiress of "Elk Island," Hanover county, Virginia. 2. William, married Christine, daughter of Richard and Christina (Robertson) Eppes, of City Point, Virginia. 3. John, born in 1712, married Jane, daughter of Rev. Pat- rick Henry, of St. George's parish, who was an uncle of the famous orator. 4. Jane, mar- ried Charles Duncan, a merchant of "Ros- lin," Chesterfield county. 5. Anne, the sec- ond wife of Nathaniel Harrison, of "Berk- ely," Charles City county, X^irginia. How- ever, it is probable that the three brothers first alluded to were the three brothers of this particular family, whom by popular myth and in the haze of time, were confused with the original emigrant ancestor.
From these three brothers. Robert. Wil- liam and John Gilliam, have sprung many persons who bear the Gilliam name in Vir- ginia, at the present time. Their descend- ants are to be found in Charles City. Prince George. Dinwiddie. Buckingham, Henrico and other counties in Virginia ; and the fam-