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year," and "now lives within two miles of her sisters."' 9. "Another" (daughter), mar- ried a Mr. Rogers, of Spottsylvania county. \irginia. and left issue, two children, a (laughter and a son, the latter, Thomas Kogers, being sometime a clerk under Thomas and William Pollard. The daugh- ter married an Underwood, and was the mother of Joseph Underwood. United States senator from Kentucky, and ancestor of Oscar ITulerwood. now United States sena- tor from Alabama. As Milly or Priscilla I'ollard was reported to be the youngest of tlie children, this last mentioned daughter is supposed to have been born about 1734 or earlier.

(II) William Pollard, son of Joseph and Priscilla ( Hoomes) Pollard, was born in 1730 ( ?). probably in (ioochland county. \"irginia. and settled in Hanover county. X'irginia. where he was clerk. Johnston's "Memorials of Old A^irginia Clerks," says: "William Pollard was clerk of Hanover from 1740 'to 1781. and William Pollard Jr. ( who married the w^idow of Lyme Shackel- ford) was clerk from 1781 to 1829." Pie married a Miss Anderson, of Hanover, and had ten children, five sons and five daugh- ters.

(III) Joseph (2) P'ollard. the great- grandfather of John Garland Pollard, was

the son of William and (Anderson)

Pollard, and was born in Hanover county. X'irginia. He was a soldier in the revolu- tionary war; in an alphabetical List of Revolutionary Soldiers of \"irginia" there are two Joseph Pollards mentioned, viz: Joseph Pollard, of King and Queen county. \'irginia, whose name appears in a "Report from the Secretary of War in relation to the Pension Establishment of the United ."^tates," \'olume II.. Washington. 1835; and Joseph Pollard, in SalTel's "Records of the Revolutionary War." 2^2. published 1858. in New York ; however, it is possible that these may both refer to the same ])er- son. Joseph Pollard married Catherine Robinson, daughter of John Robinson, of Hanover county. Virginia, who was the son of the Robinson, who was speaker of the house of burgesses ; and he the son of John Robinson, president of the council, and a son of Christo])her Robinson, who came from England, and settled in Middlesex county, Virginia, in 1664; and the last men- tioned a brother of John Robinson, bishop

of Lcjndon, who was a plenipotentiary at the Congress of Utrecht. Issue of Joseph and Catherine (Robinson) Pollard, four sons: Edmund. William, John, of whom further. J(;seph.

(IV) John Pollard, son of Joseph (2) and Catherine (Robinson) Pollard, was born July 14, 1803, in Goochland county, Vir- ginia. He was a law^yer, a man of integrity and industry, who filled some of the most important offices in his county ; he was a Whig before the civil war, and a Democrat thereafter ; but on account of advanced age did not take part in that struggle. He died September 13, 1877, in King and Queen county, \"irginia. He married Juliet Jefifries. daughter of Thomas JeiTries, a successful merchant of King and Queen county. Vir- ginia, and the sister of Judge James Jefifries, of the same county. Children of John and Juliet (Jefifries) Pollard: i. John, of whom further. 2. James, a lawyer of Baltimore, Maryland. 3. Henry R., city attorney of Richmond, \'irginia. 4. Robert X.. a lawyer in King and Queen county. \"irginia. 5. Mary Elizabeth, married Philip T. Wood- ward, clerk of ^vliddlesex county, Virginia. 6. Sue, married R. H. W^oodward. 7. Sarah, married the Rev. Alfred Bagby, D. D.

(\") Rev. John (2) Pollard, son of John ( I ) and Juliet (Jefifries) Pollard, was born Xovember 17, 1839, in King and Queen county, \'irginia, and died July 14, 191 1, at the home of his son, John Garland Pollard, at Ginter Park, Henrico county, X'irginia. He was educated in the local schools of his native county and at the Columbian Uni- versity of W^ashington, D. C., from which he graduated as A. B. in i860, and A. M. in 1861, also as D. D. in 1877. He was tutor in 1860-61, and later a minister of the Bap- tist church ; i)astor in Baltimore, Maryland, from 1870 to 1880, and president of the Maryland Union Association from 1874-76; pastor in Richmond, Virginia, from 1880- [886. and president of the State Mission Board from 1882-84 : vice-president of the National Temperance Society ; and was pro- fessor of English language and literature from 1 886- 1 90 1 ; also was a member of the Modern Language Association, the Amer- ican Historical Association, and of the .American Philologian Association.

He married \^irginia Bagby, daughter of John Bagby. a merchant, on the loth day

of July, 1861, in King and Queen county.

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