\"IK(il.\"lA r.IOCiRArilY
De Jarnette, Daniel Coleman, born near
iJovvling Green, \'irginia, September 27,
1822 ; pursued classical studies ; served sev-
eral years in the state house of delegates ;
elected as an anti-administration Democrat
to the thirty-sixth congress (March 4, 1859-
March 3. 1861) ; re-elected to the thirty-sev-
enth congress, but did not serve ; represen-
tative from Virginia to the first and second
Confederate congresses, 1862-1865 ; died in
White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, August
18. 1881.
Funston, David, representative in second Confederate congress.
Garnett, M. R. H., (q v.) ; member of first Confederate congress.
Gholson, Thomas Saunders, born in Ghol- sonville, Brunswick county, Virginia, De- cember 9, 1809, son of Maj. William Ghol- son ; was graduated from the University of Virginia in 1827. He became a judge of the state circuit court in 1859; was presi- dent of several railroads, and aided to sup- port a public library in Petersburg, V'irginia. He was a member of the second Confederate congress. He died at Savannah, Georgia, December 13, 1868.
Goode, John, born in Bedford county, Virginia. .May 27, 1829, son of John and Ann M. Goode, of English descent. lie was educated at the New London Academy and Emory and Henry College, studied law under Hon. John W. Brockenbrough, at Lexington, Virginia, and admitted to the bar in 1851. At the age of twenty-two elected from Bedford county to the general assembly. In the convention of 1861 he voted for the secession ordinance after the failure of the peace conference in Washing-
ton. He volunteered at the opening of the
v,ar between the states, took part in the first
b?ttle at Manassas, and was called to the
staft' of Gen. Jubal A. Early. He was a
member of the Confederate congress from
February, 1862, until the end of the war.
In 1865 he engaged in practice of law in
Norfolk, and was elected to the house of
delegates. He was a member of congress
from 1874 to 1 88 1, and served on the com-
mittee on education. A Democrat in poli-
tics, he was a presidential elector in 1852,
1856 and 1884; a delegate in the national
conventions of 1868, 1872, 1883 and 1892,
and served on the national committee of
his party frnm 1868 until i87f). He was a
member of the board of visitors of the Uni-
versity of Virginia, W'illiam and Mary Col-
lege, and the Virginia Agriculture and Me-
chanical College. From May, 1885, to Au-
gust, 1886, he was solicitor-general of the
United States, and in 1893 was a member
of the United States and Chilian claims
commission. In 1898 he was president of
the \'irginia State Bar Association, and in
igoi unanimously elected president of the
\'irginia constitutional convention. He mar-
ried Sallie, daughter of R. A. Urquhart, of
Isle of Wight. Virginia. He died at Nor-
tolk. July 14, looi).
Holcombe, James Philemon, born in Lynchburg. X'irginia. September 25, 1820; attended Yale University and the Univer- sity of V'irginia, pursued a legal course, in which profession he subsequently achieved
- in eminently brilliant success as a teacher
and author, as well as in the political phases of the profession ; elected to the posi- ticm of adjunct professor of constitutional and international law, mercantile law and
equity, in the University of X'irginia in