< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 3.djvu
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Conway, Moncure D., 179

Richard M., 337 Cooke, John E., 165

Philip St. G., 212 Cooper, Samuel, 35 Corbin, Thomas (j., 227 Corcoran, William W., 148 Corse, Montgomery D., 50 Couper, William, 353 Cowardin. Charles ()., 341 Craighill. William P., 328 Cranch, Christopher P., 142 Crenshaw, William G., 369 Critchcr, John, 1 13 Crocker, James F., 160 Croxton, Thomas, 114 Crump, Beverley T., 360

William W., 34 Cruse, Mary A., 219 Cutler. Lizzie P.. 220 Cutshaw, Wilfred E., 303 Dabney, Richard H., 278

Robert L., 143

Virginius, 190

William C, 140 Daniel, John M., 153

John W., 103 Darling, James S., 180 Davidson, John W., 228 Davies, Samuel D., 239 Davis, Alexander M., 114

Noah K., 166

Richard B., 316 Dearing, James, 50 Dejarnette, Daniel C, 40 DeLagnel, Julius A, 51 Denny, George H., 380 Denver, James W., 208 DeVere, Maximilian S., 227 Dezendorf, John P.. 1 14 Dickinson, Alfred E., 169 Dimmock, Charles, 51 Dooley, James H., 246 Douglas, Beverly B., 114 Dowell. (ireensvillc, 228 Downing. Henry H., 352 Draper, Henry, 224

John C, 189 Dreher, Julius D., 271 Dudley. Thomas U.. 192 Duke. Richard T. W., 115, 346

Duncan, James A., i68

William W., 238 Dunlop, James N., 249 Dunnington, Francis P., 341 Dyer. Alexander B., 204

'David P., 333 Early, Jubal A.. 51 Echols, Edward. 354

John, 52 Edmunds, Paul C, 116 Edwards, Landon B., 314

William E., 311 Ellett. Tazewell, 116 Elliott, Wyatt M., 261 Ellyson, J. Taylor, 272 Emmet, Thomas A., 217 English, Thomas D., 260 Epes. James F., 116

Sydney P., 116 Evvell, Benjamin S., 197

Richard S., 52 Ezekiel, Moses J., 249 Fairfax. Donald M., 215

Henry, 338 Faulkner. Charles J.. 140,319 Fauntleroy, Archibald M., 221

Thomas T., 22 Fishback, William M., 305 Fitzhugh, Thomas, 344 Flood, Henry D., 117 Flournoy, H. W., 264 Fontaine, William M., 186 Foote, George A., 188 Fox, Luther A., D. D., 256

William F.. 233 Fristoe. Edward T.. 254 Fulknerson, Abram, 117 Funston, David, 40 Gaines, William E., 117 Gait, Alexander, 376 Gannaway, William T.. 301 Gardener, Helen II.. 344 Garland, Landon C, J14

Samuel, Jr., 53 Garnett, Alexander Y. P., 299

James M., 241

Richard B., 53

Robert S., 54

Theodore S., 374 Garrett, Van Franklin, 377 Garrison, George T., 1 18

Gholson, Thomas S., 40 Gibson, James K.. 118 Gildersleeve. Basil L., 170 (ilass. Carter, 1 18 (ilassell, William T., 350 Glazebrook, Otis A., 315 (ilennan, Michael, 331 Goode, John, 40

Thomas F., 370 Gordon, Armistead C, 359 Gorgas, Josiah, 35 Graham, Lawrence P., 204

Samuel C, 271 Gravatt, John J., 346 Green, Thomas, 54

William, 307 Gregory, Roger, 182 (jaimsley, Daniel A., 372 Grinnan, Andrew G., 350 Groghan, George S., 259 Groner, Virginius D., 330 Guigon, Alexander B., 172 Hall, John L., 377 Halsey, Leroy J., 295 Hamilton, Alexander, 342

John W., 317 Hancock, W' illiam T., 329 Hardinge, Belle B., 220 Harris, David B., 54

John T.. 119

John W., 292 Harris, Thomas M., 206 Harrison, Constance C, 318

George M., 25

James A., 321 Harvey. James M.. 183 Hatcher, William E., 184 Hay, James. 1 19 Hays, William, 209 Henry, Robert R., 313

William W., 170 Henson. Poindexter S., 305 Hereford. Frank, 302 lleth. Henry, 55 1 1 ill, Ambrose P., 55 Hinton, Drury A., 23 Ilobbs, -Alexander R., 344 Hogc. Moses D., 215 Holcombe, James P., 40

William IL, 216 llolhulay. Lewis L., 179

Holland, Edward E., 119

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