ruary, 1863, under Farragut, when he was
transferred to the command of the steam-
ers Nantucket and Montauk, of the South
-nllantic squadron, in which he made several
attacks on the defences of Charleston Har-
bor, under Dupont and Dahlgren. In 1864-
(>5 he was in command of the Naval Acad-
emy ; promoted to a captaincy, July 25, 1866;
served on the flag-ship Rhode Island in the
North Atlantic squadron, in 1866-67; and on
the steam sloop Susquchamia in 1867-68. He
was advanced to the rank of commodore,
-\ugust 24. 1873 ; and made rear-admiral,
July II, 1880. Admiral Fairfax was in ser-
vice forty-eight years and five months; of
this time twenty years and four months
were spent at sea, his last cruise terminating
in 1868.
Whittle, Francis McNeece, born in Meck- lenburg county, Virginia, July 7, 1823, son of Fortescue Whittle, Esq., of county An- trim, Ireland, and Mary Davies, his wife, a daughter of Col. William Davies, aide to Washington in the revolution, and grand- daughter of Rev. Samuel Davies, president of Princeton College. He graduated at the Iheological Seminary of Virginia in 1847; was ordained deacon in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, July 16, same year, and ordained priest in St. John's Church, Charleston (now West Virginia), October 8, 1848, by Bishop William Meade. He was successively rector of Kanawha parish, Kanawha county, Vir- ginia (1847-49), St. James, Northam parish, Goochland county (1849-52), Grace, Berry- ville (1852-57), and St. Paul's, Louisville, Kentucky (1857-68). In 1867 he was elected assistant bishop of Virginia, and was con- secrated in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, April 30, 1S6S, by liishops Johns of Virginia,
Lee of Delaware, and Bedell of Ohio. He
received the degree of D. D. from the Theo-
logical Seminary of Ohio in 1867, and that
of LL. D. from the College of William and
Mary, AN'illiamsburg, Virginia. He became
bishop, April 5, 1876, on the death of Bishop
Johns. In 1877 the diocese of Virginia was
divided. West Virginia being erected into a
separate diocese, and Bishop Whittle retain-
ing the parent diocese. He married. May
1.5, 1848, Emily Gary, daughter of Wilson
Miles Gary Fairfax and Lucy A. Griifith,
his wife. He died in 1902.
Holcombe, William Henry, born at Lynchburg, Virginia, May 25, 1825. He was graduated from the University of Penn- sylvania in the class of 1847 with the degree o: Doctor of Medicine, and practiced his profession in Lynchburg, Virginia; Cincin- nati, Ohio; and New Orleans, Louisiana. He was president of the American Institute of Homeopathy in 1874-75. I" addition to numerous contributions to homeopathic and Swedenborgian literature, he has published : "Scientific Basis of Homeopathy," Cincin- nati, 1852; ••Poems," New York, i860; "Our Children in Heaven," Philadelphia, 1868; "The Sexes Here and Hereafter," 1869; "In Both Worlds," 1870; "The Other Life," 1871 ; "Southern Voices," 1872; "The Lost Truths of Christianity," 1879; "The End of the World," 1881; "The New Life," 1884; and "Letters on .Spiritual Subjects," 1885.
Kent, Robert Craig, born in \\'ythe county, \irginia, November 28, 1828, and died at Vv'ytheville, Virginia, April 30, 1905. a son of Robert Kent and his wife, Eli.zabeth Craig, and a descendant of Jacob Kent, who fled to Holland from England because of
religious per.-^ecution. from thence came to