L'nited States as minister to that country.
He was a student at the Virginia Military
Institute, and with the cadets from that in-
stitution participated in the battle of New
Market, \'irginia, May 15, 1864. He entered
the Confederate army, serving with the
rank of lieutenant. He was a student at
the university ; read law, and was admitted
to the bar. Inheriting the talents of his
father as an orator and debater, he took an
active part in politics and aspired as a Dem-
ocrat to the gubernatorial office but failing
in this ambition joined the Readjuster party
and was made United States district attor-
rey for the eastern district of Virginia.
1882-1883, and member of congress (March
4. 1883-March 3, 1885). He was defeated
as the Republican candidate for governor
in 1885, after which he removed to New
York, where he engaged successfully in the
practice of the law and was made United
States district attorney for the city of New
York. He died May 12, 1913. His remains
were brought to Richmond and interred in
HollvAvood Cemetery. He was the author
C'f several v/ell-known books "Diomed."
1898; "The End of an Era," 1899; "The
Lion's Skin," 1905 ; a treatise on American
Wise, Richard Alsop, born in Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, September 2, 1843, son of Gov. Henry A. Wise ; attended private schools in Richmond, Virginia, Dr. Gess- ner Harrison's university school, and Wil- liam anil Mary College for two years: served in the Confederate army as a private in Stuart's cavalry and as assistant inspec- tor-general of Wise's brigade. .Army of Northern Virginia; was graduated in medi- cine from the Medical College of Virginia in 1867, and practiced ; professor in the Col- Uge of William and Mary in 1869-1880;
superintendent of the Eastern Lunatic Asy-
lum of \'irginia, 1882-1884; member of the
state legislature, 1885-1887; clerk of the cir-
cuit and county courts of the city of Wil-
liamsburg and county of James City, 1887-
1893; elected as a Republican to the fifty-
fifth congress and was seated after a con-
test with William A. Young, April 26, 1898,
and served until March 3, 1899; re-elected
tc the fifty-sixth congress and was seated
after a second contest with William A.
Young, April 26, 1900, and served until
March 3, 1901 ; died at Williamsburg, Vir-
ginia, December 21, 1901.
Yost, Jacob, born at Staunton, \'irginia. April I. 1853; received a primary schooling; learned the trade of a printer ; followed civil engineering; candidate for Republican elector in 1880; Republican nominee for congress in 1884; elected mayor of the city of Staunton in May, 1886; elected as a Re- publican to the fiftieth congress (March 4, 1887-March 3. 1889) ; re-elected to the fifty- fifth congress (March 4, 1897-March 3, 1899).
Young, William A., born in Virginia, May 17. i860; attended the schools of Norfolk, and began the study of law ; entered mer- cantile pursuits ; clerk of the circuit and cor- poration courts of the city of Norfolk ; dele- gate in the national Democratic convention in Chicago in 1892; presented credentials as member-elect to the fifty-fifth congress, and served from March 4, 1897, to April 26, 1898. when he was succeeded by Richard A. Wise, who contested his election ; again ]iiesented credentials as a member-elect to the fifty-sixth congress, and served from March 4, 1899, to March 12, 1900, when he was again succeeded by Richard A. Wise,
who contested his election.