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as a Readjuster and Independent Democrat to the torty-cight and fiftieth congresses f March 4, 1883-March 3, 1885) and (March 4, 1887-March 3, 1889) ; resumed farming and stock raising in Tazewell county, Vir- ginia.

Bowen, Rees T., born at Maiden Springs, "i azewell county, X'irginia, January 10, 1809 ; attended Abingdon Academy, \'ir- gniia; member of the state legislature of \ irginia in 1S60 and 1864; magistrate for several years and presiding justice of the county ; elected as a Conservative to the forty-third congress (March 4, 1873-March 3. 1875) ; f^i^d i" Tazewell county, \'irginia, August 29, 1S79.

Brady, James Dennis, burn at Ports- mouth, \'irginia, April 3, 1843 ; engaged in business ; resided in New York at the com- mencement of the civil war ; enlisted as a private in the Thirty-seventh New York Volunteers, in which regiment served as acting adjutant, when he was transferred and commissioned adjutant of the Sixty- third New York Volunteers; subsequently held the rank of captain, major, lieutenant- colonel and colonel of that regiment ; served in the judge advocate's, adjutant general's, and inspector general's departments of the Second Corps, Army of the Potomac, and commanded the Sixty-third Regiment when honorably mustered out of service in July, 1865 : appointed collector of internal reve- nue in June. 1877; delegate from Virginia in the Republican national convention of 1880, and delegate at large in the Republi- can national convention of 1884; elected as a Republican to the forty-ninth congress (March 4, 1885-March 3, 1887) ; died at Petersburg, Virginia, November 30, 1890.

Braxton, Elliott Muse, l)orn in l-'redericks- burg, \irginia. October 8, 1823; attended the common schools; studied law, was ad- mitted to the bar, and began practice in Richmond, Virginia ; subsequently removed to Richmond county, and was elected a state senator in 185 1, and was re-elected in 1853; removed to Fredericksburg in i860, where he raised a company for the Confed- erate army, and was its cajjtain ; commis- sioned major, and served on the staft of Gen. John R. Cooke; member of the com- mon council of Fredericksburg in i86b", elected as a Democrat to the forty-second congress (March 4, 1871-March 3, 1873) '< died at Fredericksburg, Virginia, October 2 1 89 1 .

Brown, John Robert, born in I'Vanklin c(,iunty, \'irginia. Janu;iry 14, 1842; attended common school and academy; entered the (.Confederate army in 1861 as a private in Company D, Twenty-fourth \^irginia \"ol- unteers ; in 1870 formed a co-partnership with his father as manufacturers of tobacco at Shady Grove, and in 1882 moved to Mar- liiisville; elected mayor in 1884; elected as an Independent Repulilican to the nftieth congress (March 4. 1887-March 3. 18S9).

Brown, William Guy, born at Kingwood, Preston count}-. Virginia (now West Vir- ginia), September 25. 1800; attended the public schools, studied law, and in 1823 be- gan practice in his native town. He was a member of the house of delegates in 1832 and again. 1840-43. lie was elected as a Democrat to the twenty-ninth and thirtieth congresses (March 4, 1845-March 3. 1849) ; member of the state constitutional conven- tion of 1850; delegate to Democratic Na-

tional Conventions of i860 at Charleston and

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