As the aim of the first vohime of this work was to present the biographies of all those who had any connection with the founding of the Colony of Virginia down to the American Revolution, so the aim of this second volume is to present the biog- raphies of the leading figures in the history of the State approximately down to the War for Southern Independence, 1861. For this purpose the book, like the first volume, is divided into eight parts, under the following headings: I. The Fathers of the Revo- lution ; II. Governors of the State; III. Judges of the Supreme Court of Appeals; IV. Presidents of the United States; V. Judges of the United States Supreme Court; VI. United States Senators; VII. House of Representatives; VIII. Prominent Persons.
Amid such a wide range uf persons as is called for by the last division, the Author does not assume that he has been always wise in his selection.
The Author.