< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 2.djvu
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David. 200 I

Frank W.. 339

James. 115. 319

Joseph. 5^* Johnston. Charles. 350

Charles C, 1 15

Peter, iz"; J<mes. Catlet. 313

James, 1 15

J<»hn P.. 141

John \V.. 115

Joseph. 17. 143

Roger. 20S

Thomas ap C. 206

Walter. 18 Jordan. Robert. 312 Jouett. John. 343 Joynes. Thomas R.. 266 Jiinkin. Cfeorge. 209 Keith. Richard. 178 Kemper. Reuben, 318 Kennon. Reverley. 272

Richard. 259 Kenton. Simon. 150 Kerr. John, 115, 325 Kidwell. Zedekiah. 115 King. Miles. 363 Knox. James. 318 Lacy, Drury. 152 Lane. John, 207 Latane. Rev. Lewis, 234 Lauderdale, James. 320 Lawson. Robert. 331

Thomas. 207 Leake. Shclton F., 116

Walter. 316 Leavenworth. Abner J.. 332 Lee. Arthur, 18

Charles. 167

Edmund J., 341

Francis L., 19

George H.. 67

FTenry, 19

Jesse, 315

Richard B., 116

Richard H., 21

Thomas L., 22

William, 22 Leffler. Isaac, 116 Lcftwich, Jabez, 117

Joel, 315 Leigh, Benjamin W., 92 Lenoir, William, 313

Lewis. Charles S., 117

John, 345

Joseph. Jr., 117

Lawrence, 157

Meriwether. 187

Thomas. 117

William. 317

William R.. 321

William J., 117 Lightfoot. Philip. 349 Littlepage, Louis. 156 Logan. Benjamin. 138

Robert. 330 Lomax. John T., 198 Long. Gabriel, 304 Love. John, 117 Loyall. George. 117 Lucas. Edward. 117

Robert. 338

William. 117 Lumpkin. Wilson. 200 Lyell. Thomas. 1.^*9 Lyle, John. 317 Lynch. Charles. 138 Lvons. Peter. 23 M'cCarty, William ^L. 118 McClurg. James. 25 McComas, William. 119 McCormick. Cyrus H., 231 McCoy. William. 119 McCulloch. ^Llj. .^amuel, 241 McDowell. Charles, 303

Ephraim, 183

James, 54 McElligott. James N., 305 McFcrrin. James. 322 McGuffey, William H.. 275 McKendrec. William, 314 McKinlcy. William, 119 McNutt, Alexander, 312

Alexander G.. 327 MacRhea, William, 323 Macaulay, Alexander, 181 Machir. James, 118 Madison, George, 316

James, 23, 328 William, 316 Mallory, Francis. 118. 364 Nfann. .Ambrose D., 221 Mark, John. 255 Marmaduke, Meredith M.,

324 Marques. Thomas. 305

Marshall. Edward C, 354

Humphrev. 365

John. 8r '

Louis. 186 Martin. Elbert S.. 118

Joseph. 348 Mason. Armistead T.. 89

Clement R.. 251

George. 24

lames M.. 93

John Y.. 118

Stevens T.. 87 Massie. Nathaniel. 156

Thomas. 142, 201 Mathews. George. 137 Matthews. James .\L, 364 Maupin. Socrates. 229 Maury. James, 301

John !\L. 214

Walker. 304 Maxwell. Lewis. 1 18

William. 202 Mayo. Roben. 202

William. 202 Meade. David. 174

Richard K.. 119. 174

William. 162 Mercer. Charles F., 119

James. 26 ,

John F.. 26 Meredith. John A.. 3^/) Meriwether. David, 314 Metcalf, Samuel L., 326

Thomas. 321 Mettauer. John P., 206 Millington. John, 320 Milbon, John S.. 120 Minor, Lucian. 227

Thomas, 258 Moffctt, George, 242 Moncure, lames. 26

Richard" C. L., 66 Monroe, Andrew, 324 Montour, Andrew, 242 Moore, Richard C, 329

Samuel ^L, 120

Thomas L., 120 Morgan, Daniel. 120. 170

William. 245

William S.. 121 Morris. Samuel, 300

Thomas, 319

Thomas A., 325

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