was a surgeon's mate in the First Virginia Regiment, October 26, 1775, but retired in September, 1778. He was of much assist- ance to the French fleet and soldiers in 1781, and received their warm commendations; member of the house of delegates 1784, 1791- 93-98. He resigned the last year to accept the county clerkship. He was a member of the state convention in 1788. and voted for the Federal Constitution ; removed to Norfolk, where he was mayor of the city in 1804, 1810. He married (first) Barbara Jones: married (second) Martha Kerby. daughter of Thomas Kerby. He died in Norfolk, June 19. 1814.
Stith, John, born March 24, 1755, son of Captain Buckncr Stith, and Susanna . his wife ; was lieutenant in the revolutionary army, and major, taking part in the bat- tles of Trenton. Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth. He was taken prisoner at Charlotte, in 1780, was ex- changed, and returned to his command. He IS usually styled Colonel, probably a brevet rank. He married Ann, daughter of Law- rence Washington, of Chotank, King George county. He died in 1808.
Matthews, James M., son of William B. Matthews, clerk of Essex county, Virginia, who died in 1830, and Mary Jameson Gar- nett Wood, his wife, was born in Essex county. He was educated at William and Mary College, and was a well known lawyer and law writer of Richmond, Virginia. He was reporter of the supreme court of appeals of Virginia, and author of "Civil and Crim- inal Digest of the Laws of Virginia." and "Guide to Commissioners in Chancery." He married Ellen A. Bagby. of Richmond, sis- ter of the well known Dr. George W. Bag- by. He was father of William B. Mat- thews, late of Washington, author of "Forms of Pleading" and other books, and of the artist George B. Matthews, ako of Washing- ton.
Mallory, Francis, eldest son of Johnson Mallory and Diana Tabb, his wife, was born in Elizabeth City county, Virginia. He was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Elizabeth City county militia in June. 1776. and later was promoted to be colonel. After participat- ing in various engagements with the British, he was killed, while commanding a small force of militia in an action with a largely superior force of British tnx^ps commanded by Lieut.-Col. Dundas.'near Newport News. (See account of this affair in "Virginia His- torical Register." vol. iv. 185 1, page 24. ct scq„ and in "Virginia Magazine of History and Biography." xiv. 324, 431, ct scq,). He died March 8. 1781.
Callis, William Overton, born near "Ur- banna," Virginia, March 4, 1756, son of Wil- liam Callis and Mary Cosby, his wife. His mother was third in descent from William Overton, born December 2, 1638. in Eng- land, settled in Hanover county, Virginia, in 1682, married Mary Waters. Callis served in the revolution more than seven years as lieutenant and captain, and at the battle of Monmouth was badly wounded. In 1781 he served as major on the staflF of Gen. Thomas Nelson, and was at the surrender of Com- wallis at Yorktown. He served in the Vir- ginia assembly seventeen years, and voted for the resolutions of 1798-99, and was a member of the convention of 1788. He mar- ried (first) a daughter of John Winston, and
(second) a daughter of Captain Thomas