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'rom his state, at the battle of the Thames.

0;tober 5, 1813. He died in Lexingtmi, Kentucky. October 13. 18 15.

Tarbell, Joseph, born about 1780: entered the United States navy as a midshipnMu. December 5, 1798; was promoted to lieu- tenant, August 25. 1800: served in Preble's squadron during the Tripolitan war. He was included in the vote of thanks to Prc])lc and his officers by act of congress. March 3. 1805; W.1S promoted to master-commandant, April 25. 1808. and commanded the frigate Jchn Adams in 181 1-14; he was commis- sioned captain. July 24, 1813, and ser\'ed in the defense of Craney Island and Jaincs river in June. 1813, capturing three barges an.l forty prisoners. He was then sl.Tiioned at Norfolk, X'irginia. where he died. No- vember 24. 1815.

Trimble, David, born in Frederick county, Virginia, about 17S2; educated at William and -Mary College, studied law, and rcm<»ved 10 Kentucky in 1804. He served iu the war of 1812. and during two campaigns under Gen. William Henry Harrison. In 1817 he was elected to congress, where he served wiihout interruption till 1827. After rclir- ing from congress he engaged in agricul- ture and iron manufacture, and did much tu develop the resources of the state. He died at Trimble's Furnace, Kentucky, < »c- tober 26, 1842.

Taylor, Waller, born in Lunenburg county, \'irginia. before 1786; received a common-school education, studied law, served one or two terms in the Virginia legislature as the representative of Lunen- burg county, and settled in Vincem!es, In- diana, in 1805. as a territorial judge. He was

aide-de-camp to Gen. William H. Harrison at the battle of Tippecanoe, and in the war of 1812-15. On the admission of Indiana as a state, iu was elected United States senator, and re-elected, serving from De- cember 12. 1816, till March 3, 1825. He died in Lunenburg. \*irginia, August 26, 1826.

Waugh, Beverley, born in Fairfax county, \'irginia, October 28, 1789, a descendant of Rev. John W'augh (q. v. \'ol. I.. 354). At the age of fifteen he became a member of the Methodist church at Alexandria, \'ir- ginia. From the age of eighteen, until shortly before his death, he kept a journal which made several manuscript vohuncs. in 1808 he entered the ministry, and at the end of three years he was stationed iu Washington City. He was elected by the r»alt:more conferences to the general con- lerenoes of 1816 and 1820. In 1824. on ac- count of his favoring the election of presid- ing; cHers. which the majority of hi» con- lerence did not approve, he was not a representative. In 1828 he was again elected a member, and chosen assistant editor and Inok-agent. and removed to New York City. In 2832 he was made principal agent, and in 1836 he was made bishop, in which post he continued, traveling almost constantly, until 1852, when he became senior bishop. After that, his health gradually failed until he died, in Baltimore, Maryland, February % 1858.

Thornton, Thomas C^ born in Dumfries, X'irginia, October 12, 1794. He became .in exhorter in the Methodist Episcopal chuich at the age of sixteen, and was received into the Baltimore conference at the age of pine- teen. He was made president of a college in Mississippi in 1841. He left the Methc-

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