1848 he resigned his clerkship, and after-
wards devoted himself to the care of his
large estates. He was an enthusiastic and
successful planter, whose information and
experience were widely influential. He
reared, and educated in the best schools of
that day, a large family of children ; was a
devoted friend of education, and often
helped boys and young men to go to school.
He died at his home, "Montpelier," Septem-
ber 12, 1858.
Wilkinson, Jesse, born in \'irginia, about 1790. He entered the navy as a midshipman hi 1805, and in 1810 had risen to the rank of lieutenant. During the war of 1812-14, he commanded the schooner Hornet^ which was principally used as a dispatch boat on the Potomac river, carrying dispatches be- tween the seat of government and the American fleet. He was stationed at the Norfolk navy yard, 1816-18, and 1820-21, in the interim commanding the Hornet^ on coast survey duty. In 1818 he was promoted to master, and commanded the brig Spark, of Commodore David Porters flotilla., en- gaged in the suppression of piracy in the West Indies, and was so engaged until 1823, from which time he was on duty at the Nor- folk navy yard until 1825. and at the Boston navy yard in 1826. In 1827-28 he commanded the J n lilt Adanis^ in the operations against the West Indies pirates, in 1829 was pro- moted to captain, and from that year until 1833 was agz*in stationed at the Norfolk navy yard. From 1835 to 1840 he com- manded the frigate United Staies, in the ilediteranean squadron ; served on the flag- ship Macedonian in 1840-42, and from 1843 t.-> 1847 was commandant of the Norfolk navy yard. He was made commodore, and
in 1848-49 commanded the West Indies
squadron, with the Raritan as his flag-ship.
He passed many years on court martial
duty and on leave, until he died. May 23,
Anderson, David, a native of Scotland; a Blandford tombstone has the following in- scription : **Sacred to the memory of David Anderson, a native of Scotland, and for many years a respectable merchant of this place, who departed this life June the i8th, 1S12, aged 52 years. He was long a mem- ber of the Common Hall and Chamberlain of the Town of Petersburg. Upright, hon- orable, kind and benevolent and the muni- ficent founder of the Anderson Seminary. The Corporation of Petersburg have inscrib- ed this record rather to mark their gratitude for his beneficence than to commemorate his virtues. Believing that when this stone shall have mouldered into dust the institution which he founded will still preserve his as a benefactor of Petersburg and a friend of man.*'
Adams, Robert H., born in Rockbridge cc'unty, Virginia, in 1792. He graduated at Washington College, Lexington, Kentucky, was admitted to the bar, and practiced in Knoxville. Tennessee, and afterwards in Natchez, Mississippi, where he settled in 18 19. He was a member of the Mississippi legislature in 1828, and in 1830 was elected to the United States senate to fill a vacancy. He died at Natchez, Mississippi, July 2. of the same year.
Walton, William Claiborne, born in Han- over county, Virginia, November 4, 1793. He was the son of a blacksmith, and re- ceived but few advantages of early educa-
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