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of independence adopted by a public meet- ing in any of the colonies. He was later a member of the house of delegates under the uew constitution of Virginia. He married Susannah, daughter of Isham Randolph, of Cungenness. He was ancestor of Carter Henry Harrison, mayor of Chicago in 1893. He died in 1793-94-

Harvie, John, was born in Gargunnock, Scotland, and at an early age emigrated to Virginia, settled in Albemarle county, and entered upon the practice of law. After the defeat of the Indians at Point Pleasant, Oc- tober 10. 1774, he was appointed by the gen- eral assembly of \'irginia a commissioner to treat with them, and represented West Au- gusta county in the Virginia conventions. He was elected to the Continental Congress May 22. 1777. and was a signer of the articles of confederation the following year. He served as purchasing agent for Virginia, was register of the land office of that state from 1780 to 1791. and May 19. 1788, was commissioned secretary of the common- wealth. While inspecting the building of the celebrated Gamble House, erected by him in Richmond, he was killed by falling from a ladder, February 6. 1807.

Henry, James, was born in Accomac county, Virginia, in 1 731, of Scotch ancestry. He studied law at the University of Edin- burgh and practiced in Virginia, where he married Sarah Scarborough. He was a bur- gess from Accomac county in 1772; a dele- gate to the Continental Congress, 1 780-1 781 ; judge of the court of admiralty, 1782-88. and judge of the general court from De- cember 24 1788, until January, 1800, when he resigned. He had six children : Edward Hugh, who married (first) Martha Cather-

ine, daughter of Governor Patrick and Doro- thea (Dandridge) Henry, and (second) Elizabeth Washington, daughter of Dr. Valentine and Betty (Washington) Peyton; Samuel; John; Mary, who married John Wise, who by his second marriage became father of Henry A. Wise, governor of Vir- ginia ; Tabitha, and Sarah Elizabeth. Judge Henry died in Accomac county, December 9. 1804.

Henry, Patrick, was born at "Studlcy," Hanover county, \'irginia. May 29, 1730; sen of John and Sarah (Winston) Syme Henry, and grandson of Alexander and Jean (Robertson) Henry, of Scotland, who canit to Virginia prior to 1730. and of Isaac and Mary (Dabney) Winston. John Henry was a member of the Church of England, a clas- sical .scholar, and a brother of the Rev. Pat- lick Henry, first rector of St. George's par- ish. Spottsylvinia county, and ultimately of St. Paul's parish, Hanover county. His mother was a Presbyterian, a sister of Rev. William Robertson, of the Old Grey Friars .Church, Edinburgh, and cousin of Rev. Wil- liam Robertson, the Scottish historian. After Patrick was ten years old, his father was hi.s only tutor. He became proficient in Latin, gained a little knowledge of Greek and was a good mathematician. He was well versed in ancient and modern history when he was fifteen, and had acquired some knowledge of the French language. When eighteen years of age he established with his brother Wil- liam, a country store which they conducted unprofitably one year and then wound up the business. He was married in 1754 to Sarah, daughter of John Shelton, also of Hanover county. He made a poor existence by farming and was frequently helped by

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