state, and of both branches of the legisla-
ture ; he died in Christian county, Kentucky,
November 23, 1824.
Littlepage, Lewis, born in Hanover coun- ty, \'irginia, December 19, 1762, son of Col. James Littlepage and Elizabeth Lewis, his wife. He graduated from William and Mary College in 1778, then went abroad and joined a relative, John Jay, then minister to Madrid. In 1782 he volunteered in the ex- pedition of the Due de Crillon against Minorca, and subsequently accompanied the Prince of Nassau-Siegen to the siege of Gibraltar, and thence to Constantinople and Warsaw. For many years he enjoyed the personal friendship of Stanislaus, King of Poland, under whom he held, among other offices, that of ambassador to Russia. He was made a knight of the Order of St. Stanislaus, chamberlain and confidential secretary, and was a special envoy in sev- eral important negotiations. In 1792 he re- turned to Virginia, with health broken from exposure in camp and travel, and died in Spotsylvania, July 19, 1802, aged forty years. His voluminous correspondence with King Stanislaus, the Marquis de Lafa- yette, and other distinguished men, has been preserved in Hayden's "Virginia Gene- alogies."
Cabell, Joseph, born January 6, 1762, son of Col. Joseph Cabell. He was first taught by tutors ; was at Hampd en-Sidney College in 1778-79, and at William and Mary Col- lege from May 4, 1779, to 1781. He be- longed to a company of students attached to the regiment of Colonel Joseph Cabell, the elder. He was a captain of militia previ- ous to 1787. He married Pocahontas Re- becca, daughter of Robert Boiling, of Chel-
lowe, Buckingham county, Virginia. He
emigrated with his family to Kentucky in
181 1, settled in Henderson county, and died there, August 31, 1831.
Parker, Thomas, son of Judge Richard Parker, of "Lawfield," Westmoreland coun- ty, Virginia, and Mary (Beale) Parker, his wife. In the revolution he was a captain in the Second Virginia Regiment. He re- mained in the army after the war, and in
181 2, as a colonel, served on the northern frontier under Gen. Wade Hampton; was made brigadier-general in 1812, and com- manded at Norfolk, Virginia. He resided on his estate, "Soldier's Retreat," Clarke county, Virginia: married Sallie Opie, and had issue.
Massie, Nathaniel, born in Goochland county, Virginia, December 28, 1763, son of Nathaniel Massie and Elizabeth Watkins, daughter of Thomas Watkins, of Chicka- hominy ; received preparatory education ; served in the revolutionary war, 1780, was a surveyor of wild lands in Virginia for the following eleven years, and of the Virginia military district north of the Ohio river, for five years, from 1791 to 1796, laying out on his own land the town of Chillicothe in the latter named year, and in 1800 was one of the most extensive owners of land in the northwest territory; was a delegate to the state constitutional convention of 1802, and secured the selection of Chillicothe as the state capital ; during the years 1803-04 was state senator in the first and second general a.ssemblies; speaker of the senate in 1803; a Jefferson elector in 1804, a Madison elector in 1808, and a representative in the fifth and eighth assemblies during the years 1806-07 and 1809-10; in the year 1807 he was the
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