ary 1, 1S40. He married, in 1788, Sarah W.
Page, daughter of his uncle, Robert Page,
of "Broad Xeck/' Hanover county, Virginia.
Parker, Josiah, born at "Macclesfield," Isle of Wight county, Virginia, May 11, 1751 ; pursued preparatory studies; member of the county committee of safety in 1775, and of the Virginia convention that held ses- sions in March, July, and December of that year; commissioned major in the Fifth Vir- ginia Regiment, February 13, 1776; lieu- tenant-colonel, July 28, 1777, and colonel, April I, 1778; served under Gen. Charles Lee in Virginia until the fall of 1776, when transferred to Washington's army ; rendered distinguished service at the battles of Tren- ton, Princeton and the Brandy wine; re- signed from the army July 12, 1778; member of Virginia house of delegates. 1780-1781; naval officer at Portsmouth, Virginia, 1786; defeated for delegate to the Virginia con- vention of 1788: elected to the first six con- gresses (March 4, 1789-March 3, 1801) ; died at "Macclesfield," Virginia. March 18. 1810.
Parker, Richard, born in Richmond, Vir- ginia. December 22, 18 10, son of Richard Elliott Parker, judge of the supreme court of appeals, and Elizabeth Foushee, his wife ; he completed private studies; studied law, and practiced at Berryville, Virginia; held several local offices, and was elected as a Democrat to the thirty-first congress (March 4, 1849-March 3, 1851); was subsequently appointed judge of the thirteenth circuit, and presided at the trial of John Brown; was applauded by friend and foe for his im- partiality. He married Evelina Moss.
Parker, Severn E., native of Northampton county, Virginia ; received a common school
training; studied law, was admitted to the
bar, and practiced ; held several local offices,
and served a number of years as a member
of the state house of representatives ; elected
to the sixteenth congress (March 4, 1819-
March 3, 1821) ; died in Northampton coun-
ty, Virginia, October 21, 1836.
Fatten, John Mercer (q. v.).
Pegram, John, born in Dinwiddie county, Virginia, November 16, 1773; attended com- mon schools ; held various local offices ; was a member of the Virginia house of delegates for many years and of the state senate for eight years ; elected to the fifteenth congress to fill vacancy caused by the death of Peter- son Goodwin, and served from November 16, 1818, to March 3, 1819; major-general of state militia in the war of 1812; United States marshal for the eastern district of Virginia under President Monroe's adminis- tration ; died in Dinwiddie county, Virginia, April 8, 1831.
Pendleton, John Strother, born in Cul- peper county, Virginia, March 2, 1802, son of William Pendleton and Anne Strother, his wife ; pursued preparatory studies ; stud* led law, was admitted to the bar, and prac- ticed in Culpeper county; member of the state legislature several terms prior to 1840; charge d'affaires to Chile, 1841-1844; elect- ed as a Whig to the twenty-ninth and thir- tieth congresses (March 4, 1845-March 3, 1849) y charge d'affaires to the Argentine Confederation, 1851-1854; at the same time he was also accredited to- Paraguay, and other South American republics ; in 1854 he was succeeded by Hon. Joseph Graham ; he died in Culpeper county, Virginia, Novem- ber 19, 1868.
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