tested and corrected by astronomical obser-
vations and permanently marked, and in
1849 their surveys were reviewed and found
to be substantially correct. This was the
beginning of what came to be known as
"Mason and Dixon's Line." Joseph Neville
served in the third congress; he died in
Hardy county, Virginia. March 4, 1819.
New, Anthony, born in Gloucester county, \'irginia, in 1747; completed preparatory studies; studied and practiced law; colonel in the revolutionary army : elected as a Re- publican from \'irginia to the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth congresses (March 4, 1793-March 3, 1805): moved to Kentucky and located in Elkton: elected as a Republican from Kentucky to the twelfth congress (March 4. 1811-March 3. 1813), fifteenth congress (March 4. 1817-March 3, 1819), and seventeenth congress (March 4, 1821-March 3. 1823); died in Todd county, Kentucky, March 2, 1833.
Newman, Alexander, born near Orange, Virginia. October 5, 1804; pursued an aca- demic course; held several local offices; elected to the Virginia legislature in 1836; postmaster of Wheeling, 1845-1849, when he resigned ; elected to the thirty-first congress, but died before the convening of congress, ni Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 8, 1849.
Newton, Thomas, Jr., born in Norfolk, Virginia. November 21. 1768. son of Thomas Newton and Amy, his wife, daughter of John Hutchings ; completed preparatory studies ; studied law and was admitted to the bar; commenced practice in Norfolk; held several local offices; elected as a Re- publican to the seventh and to the thirteen
succeeding congresses (March 4, 1801-
March 3, 1829) ; presented credentials as
member-elect to the twenty-first congress,
but the election was successfully contested
by George Loyall, who took the seat March
9, 1830; reelected to the twenty -second con-
gress (March 4, 1831-March 3, 1833) ; died
in Norfolk. \'irginia, August 5. 1847.
Nicholas, John, born in Williamsburg, Virginia, January 19, 1761, son of Robert Carter Nicholas, and a brother of Wil- son Gary Nicholas, governor of Virginia ; another brother, George, was attorney- general of Kentucky, and another. Philip Norborne Nicholas, was an eminent jurist. John Nicholas shared the talents of his family, and with them influenced in a striking degree the political history of the time. He attained distinction as a lawyer. In 1793 he was elected to congress as a Re- publican, and wielded a strong influence in that body until 1801. In 1803 he removed to Geneva. New York, and devoted himself to large agricultural interests until 1806, when he was sent to the state senate, in which he served three years. In 1806 he became judge of the court of common pleas of Ontario county, New York, being the first to hold that office, and served therein until his death, in Geneva, December 31, 1819.
Page Robert, born at "North End," Glou- cester county, Virginia, in 1764, son of Hon. John Page, of that place, member of the council, was born in 1764; was a student at William and Mary College and left in 1776 to join the American army; was captain; was elected as a Federalist to the sixth con- gress (March 4, 1799-March 4, 1801) ; died at Janeville, Clarke county, Virginia, Janu-
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