Democratic leaders: he was a rigid disciple
of the states' rights school, and an inflexible
champion of the rights of the South ; a fervid
oiatory was his most characteristic talent,
and incorruptible integrity his distinguish-
ing virtue : in the relations of private life he
commanded universal respect, .and among
his more intimate friends he was regarded
with a warm ar.d constant affection." Gen.
Cordon married Elizabeth Lindsay, of
Albemarle county, Virginia, daughter of
Col. Reuben Lindsay, who advanced £
to the cause of American independence,
and then, entering the army, rendered im-
portant service throughout the revolution
ar.'d received the particular thanks of Gen.
Washington after the battle of Yorktown :
he further showed his devoted patriotism
by refusing a repayment of his original
loan and never claiming the land bounty
awarded him for his services. Gtn. Gor-
don died at his home uear Gordonsville.
Albemarle county. I'irginia. .August 2S. 1858.
Gray, Edwin, i)orn^n Southampton coun- t\. \'irginia. in ijCx). son of Col. Joseph Gray, burgess iq. v., vol. i. j). 247) ; attended the pui)lic schools: served in the house of burgesses, ijuj-ijj^: member of the house of delegates; elected to the state senate : member of the state constitutional conventions of 1774. 1773 and 1776: elected to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth congresses (March 4 1799-March 3. 1^131. C'X'irginia Maga- zine of History and P.iography." iii. 403 >.
Gray, John C, born in Southampton coun- t>. Virginia: pursued an academic course: elected to the sixteenth congress to till vacancy caused by the resignation of James
Johnson, and served from November iS.
1820, to March 3, 1821.
GrifEn, Samuel, a descendant of Thomas Grifiin. who received grants of land in 1051, and brother of Judge Cyrus Griffin (q. v.), was born in Richmond county, \*irginia; studied and practiced law ; served in the revolution as colonel, deputy adjutant gen- eral Flying Camp, July 19, 1776; wounded at Harkm Heights. October 12, 1776; in 1781 a member of the state board of war; of the house of delegates from Williams- burg. 17S7 and 17S8: member of co::gress. 17S9-1795. He died November 3. 1810. He had only one daughter. Elizabeth Corbin. who married (first) Samuel Gatlifte. and (secor.d) Prof. Ferdinand Stewart Camp- bell, of William and Mary College.
Griffin, Thomas, was born in 1773, son of Dr. Corbin Griffin, of Yorktown, X'irginia, who was a member of the York county com- mittee of safety ( 1775-I77^>). and surgeon in the X'irginia line during the revolution: member of the house oi delegates, 1793-98- 99. 1800. 1803-04-05. 1819 20. 1S21. 1822. iS.-r»-27. 1830: member of congress in the eighth compress (March 4. 1803-March 4, 1S03) : second in command in the light near Hampton during the war of 1812. He mar- ried his cousin Mary, daughter of Judge Cyrus Griffin. He died October 7, 1S37.
Hancock, George, born in I-'incastle. Hote- t(»urt county. X'irginia. June 13. 1754: pur- sued classical studies: served in the revolu- tionary war as colonel of infantry. X'irginia line, and was taken prisoner at the siege of Savannah. Georgia; was paroled and re- turned to X'irginia : studied law. was ad- mitted to the bar, and practiced in Fincastle;
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