terms in the house of delegates; elected to
the ninth and tenth congresses (March 4,
1805-March 3, 1809) ; delegate to the state
constitutional convention in 1829; president
of the Fredericksburg Agricultural Society
for twenty years; member of the grand jury
that indicted Aaron Burr m 1807; died at
"Elnuvood," Virginia, April 23, 1843.
Garnett» Muscoe Russell Hunter, born at
- Elm\vood," Essex county, Virginia, July
25, 1821 ; son of James Mercer Garnett, Jr., and Maria Hunter, his wife; pursued clas- sical studies and was graduated from the University of Virginia, literary department, 1839. law department, 1841 ; was admitted to the bar in 1841, and commenced practice ai Lloyd's, \'irginia; delegate to the State Constitutional Convention in 1850; member of the house of delegates, 1853-1856; elected as a Democrat to the thirty-fourth congress, to fill vacancy caused by death of Thomas ji. Bayley; re-elected to the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth congresses and served from De- cember I, 1856. to Mirch 3, 1861 : delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Baltimore in 1852 and in Cincinnati in 1856; member from Virginia to the first Confed- erate Congress: died at "Elm wood/' Vir- ginia, February 14, 1864. He was a grand- son of James Mercer Garnett. Sr., member of United States Congress (1805-1809) (q. \.). and a great-grandson of James Garnett (q. v. Vol I., 241).
Garnett, Robert Selden, born in Essex county, Virginia. April 26. 1789; pursued an academic course : studied law. was admitted to the bar, and began practice at Lloyd's, Virginia: member of the state legislature; elected as a Democratic Republican to the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth
and nineteenth congresses (March 4, 1817-
Mcjrch_3^ 1827X1 died in Essex county, Vir-
ginia. August 15* 1840.
Gholson, Japies Herbert, born at Gholson- ville, Virginia, in 1798; pursued an academic course, and was graduated from Princeton (College in 1820; studied law, was admitted to the bar and began practice at Percivals, Virginia; elected as a Democrat to the twenty-third congress (March 4, 1833- March 3, 1835) ; judge of the circuit court for the Brunswick circuit for many years ; died in Brunswick county, Virginia, July 2, 1848.
Gholson, Thomas, Jr., born in Brunswick, Virginia ; pursued an academic course ; stud- ied law, was admitted to the bar, and be- gan practice in Brunswick county, Virginia ; elected as a Democratic Republican to the tenth congress, to fill vacancy caused by the death of John Claiborne; reelected to the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and four- teenth congresses, and served from Novem- ber 7, 1808. until his death in Brunswick county, \'irginia, July 4, 1816.
Giles, William B. (q. v.).
Goggin, William L., born in Bedford coun- ty, Virginia. May 31, 1807; pursued an aca- demic course: studied law; admitted to the bar in 1828: began practice in Winchester, Virginia: member of house of delegates in 1836; elected as a Whig to the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh congresses (March 4- 1839-March 3, 1843) ' elected to the twenty- eighth congress to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Thomas W. Gilmer, and served from May 10. 1844. to March 4. 1845 » reelected to the thirtieth congress (March 4. 1847-March 3. 1849) : defeated as the
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