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commenced practice in Gloucester county, \'irginia: elected as a States rights Demo- crat to the twenty-first and twenty-second congresses (March 4. 1829-March 3, 1833); died on his estate, "Abingdon,*' in Glouces- ter county, \'irginia» March 30, 185 1. He was descended from John Coke, who emi- grated to X'irgfinia in 1724, a great-grandson of Sir Francis Coke, of England.

Coles, Isaac, born in Virginia; pursued preparatory studies ; elected to the first con- gress (March 4. 1789-March 3, 1791); re- elected to the third and fourth congresses (March 4, 1793-March 3, 1797). He was a son of John Coles, a prominent merchant of Henrico county, who came from Enniscor- thy. Ireland. His will, dated September 13, 18 10. was proved in Pittsylvania county. August 17, 1813.

Coles, Walter, born in Pittsylvania county, Virginia, December 8, 1790: son of Col. Isaac Coles, of the same county ; com- pleted a preparatory course: devoted him- self to agriculture; justice of the peace for many years; served in the United States army during the war of 181 2 as a captain of riflemen on the northern frontier ; member of the state house of delegates in 1833 *^"d 1834: elected as a Democrat to the twenty- fourth, tweniy-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty- seventh and twenty-eighth congresses I March 4. 1835-March 3, 1845) « ^'5ed near Robertsons Store. Virginia, November 9, 1857.

Colston, Edward, born at Winchester, Virginia. December 25, 1786. son of Travers Colston, of Richmond county, and a de- scendant of William Colston, of Bristol, England, a great merchant and cavalier in

the time of Charles I., was born near Win- chester, V'irjL^inia. December 2-., 1786; wa> {iiaduatcd from Princeton College in i8o(.i; studied lav.-; served in the war of 1812; was a member of the fifteenth congress (March 4, 1817-March 4, 1819) ; was a Federalist in politics, and in 1821 was elected to the house of delegates, and served till 1834. Under the new reorganization of parties he became a Whig. He married (first) Jane Marshall, daughter of Charles Marshall, and (second) Sarah Jane Urockenbrough : died in Berke- ley county. Virginia, April 2^, 1852. He was a brother-in-law of Willoughby New- ton and Charles James Faulkner.

Craig, Robert, born near Christiansburg, Montgomery county, Virginia, in 1792; at- tended public schools and was graduated from Lewisburg Academy, Greenbriar (.ounty: elected as a Democrat to the twen- ty-first and twenty-second congresses (March 4. 1829-March 3, 1833) ; defeated for the twexity-third congress; re-elected to the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and twenty- sixth congresses f March 4. 1835-March 3, 1841): died at "Green Hill.'* near Salem, Roanoke county, \'irginia. in 1852.

Crump, George William, born in Pow- hatan county. Virginia ; was graduated from Princeton College; studied medicine and practiced ; member of the state house of dele- gates; elected as a States Rights Democrat to the nineteenth congress, to fill the va- cancy caused by the resignation of John Randolph, and served from February 6, 1826. to March 3. 1827; defeated for re-election to the twentieth congress; appointed by President Jackson chief clerk of the pension bureau in 1832, which positon he held until his death in Washington. D. C, in 1850.

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