lii 1866 he was a delegate to the national
convention of southern loyalists in Phila-
delphia. In 1867, in company with Horace
Greeley and others, he signed the bail bond
or Jefferson Davis. He died at his home,
January 7, 1869.
Bouldin, James Wood, son of Maj. Wood Bouldin and Joanna Tyler, his wife, born in Charlotte county, Virginia, in 1792; studied law, was admitted to the bar and engaged in practice ; was elected as a Jackson Democrat to the twenty-third congress to succeed Thomas T. Bouldin, deceased, and was re- elected to two succeeding terms; he died at "Forest Hill/* Charlotte county. March 30. 1854. He was first cousin of John Tyler, president of the United States (1841-45).
Bouldin, Thomas Tyler, son of Wood Bouldin and Joanna Tyler, his wife, born in Virginia, in 1772. studied law and engaged ii. practice: served as judge of the general court ; he was elected as a Democrat to the twenty-first, twenty-second and twenty- third congresses, serving trom March 4,
1S29. until February 11, 1834, when he died while delivering before the house a eulogy upon his predecessor, John Randolph, of Roanoke. He uttered the words, "But I cannot tell the reasons why his death was not announced, without telling what I told
a friend I should say, in case ," and he
fell to the floor dead. He was succeeded in congress by his brother James Wood Boul- din (q. v.). His son, Wood Bouldin, was judge of the state supreme court.
Boteler, Alexander fq. v.).
Breckenridge, James, son of Robert Breck- enridge and Letitia. daughter of John Pres- ton, and grandson of Alexander Brecken-
ridgc, who emigrated from Ireland, born
near Fincastle, Augusta county, Virginia,
March 7, 1763; took part in the revolution-
ary war; served in Colonel Preston's rifle
regiment under Gen. Greene; was graduated
from William and Mary College in 1785;
studied law, was admitted to the bar, and
practiced in Fincastle ; member of the state
house of delegates for several years, and
took a special interest in the construction
cf the Chesapeake & Ohio canal, and in the
establishment of the University of Virginia;
was a brigadier-general in the war of 1812;
elected to the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth
'iud fourteenth congresses, and served from
March 4, 1809, to March 3, 1817; died at
Grove Hill. Botetourt county, Virginia,
May 13, 1833 He was a brother of John
Breckenridge, who introduced the resolu-
tions in the Kentucky legislature, drawn by
Mr. Jefterson, and directed against the Alien
and Sedition laws.
Brown, John, (q. v.).
Brown, William Guy, born at Kingwood, Prcsion county, Virginia (now West Vir- ginia), September 25, 1800; attended the public schools ; studied law. and commenced practice in 1823 at Kingwood: member of the house of delegates in 1832 and again in 1840-43 ; elected as a Democrat to the twen* ty-ninth and thirtieth congresses (March 4, 1845-March 3, 1849) I member of the state constitutional convention of 1850: delegate to the Democratic National Conventions of i860 at Charleston and Baltimore; member of the Virginia state convention of 1861 ; again elected to the thirty-seventh congress from Virginia as a Unionist (March 4, 1861- March 3, 1863), and re-elected to the thirty- eighth congress from West Virginia; took
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