popular votes ; the Cass and Butler electors
1,220,544, and the Van Buren and Adams
Freesoil ticket 291,262. The electoral col-
lege gave Taylor and Fillmore 163 votes,
and 127 to Cass and Butler. On March 4,
1849, General Taylor was inaugurated. In
his message to Congress he recommended
the admission of California to the Union,
but did not favor the admission of either
Utah or Mexico. On July 4, 1850, he at-
tended the ceremonies of laying the corner-
stone of the Washington monument, and
the heat of the day brought upon him
cholera morbus, which caused his death, in
the presence of his wife, his daughter, Eliz-
abeth, and her husband, Colonel Bliss, his
brother. Colonel Taylor, and family, and
Jeflferson Davis and family, Vice-President
Fillmore and his cabinet. He died at the
White House, Washington, July 9, 1850.