John, 341
Thorpe, George, 86
Maj. Otho, 341
Throckmorton, Gabriel, 342
Robert, 342
Thruston, Gharles M., 342
Edward, Dr., 342
Malachy, 342
Tillyard, Rev. Arthur, 342
Timson, Samuel, 343
Tindall (Tyndall), Robert,
Todd, Thomas, 343
Todkill, Anas, 343
Tomkies, Charles, Dr., 343
Tompkins, Christopher, 343
Humphrey, 343
Tonge, John, 343
Tooke, Henry, 343
Totopotomoy, 343
Towles, Henry, 344
Townsend, Richard, 106
Tracy, William, 87
Trahorne, John, 344
Travers, Raleigh, 344
Samuel, 344
Col. William, 344
Travis, Champion, 344
Edward, 344
Edward C, 344
Tree. Richard, 344
Trent, Alexander, 344
Trigg. Stephen, 345
Trussell, John, 345
Daniel, 85
'ITicker, Robert, 345
Robert, 345
Col. Robert, 345
William, 93
Tuke (Took), James, 345
Tunstall, Edward, 345
Col. Richara, 345
Turberville, John, 345
Turner, Harry, 345
Thomas, 346
Twine, John, 346
Tyler, Charles, 346
Henry, 346
Henry, Jr., 346
John, 346
Richard, 346
William, 347
Underwood, Maj. William,
Upshaw, John, 347
Upshur, Arthur, 347
Upton, Capt. John, 347
Utie, John, 93
Uttamatomakkin, 347
Van Metre, John, 347
Isaac, 347
Vaulx, Robert, 347
Veale, George, 347
Venable, Abraham, 347
Nathaniel, 348
Waddell, James, 348
Wadding, Rev. James, 348
Wade, Armiger, 348
Robert, 348
Wagener, Rev. Peter, 348
Peter, Jr., 349
Waher, VV illiam, 349
Waldo, Richard, 79
Walke, Col. Anthony, 349
Anthony, Jr., 349
Thomas, 349
Walker, George, 349
James, 349
John, 14
John, 124
John, King and Queen
Co., 349
John, Middlesex Co., 349
Peter, 349
Thomas, Dr., 349
Thomas, King and Queen
Co., 350
Walklett, Gregory, 350
Wall, John, 350
Wallace, Rev. James, 350
James, Elizabeth City
Co., 351
Dr. Michael, 351
Waller, Benjamin, 351
John, 351
W' illiam, 351
Wallings, George, 351
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 8
Walthoe, Nathaniel, 351
Walton, Isaac R., 351
Ward, Seth. Henrico Co., 351
Seth. "Powhatan Tree,"
Ware, Rev. Jacob, 352
Wareham, Thomas, 352
Waring, Francis, 352
Thomas, 352
Warne, Thomas, 352
Warner, Augustine, 124
Augustine, Jr., 135
Warnet, Thomas, 352
Warren, Thomas, 352
Washbourn, John, 352
Washer, Ensign, 352
Washington, xugustine, 352
Col. John, 352
John, Surry Co., 353
Lawrence, Fairfax Co.,
Lawrence, merchant, 353
Waters, Edward, 353
William, Jr., 354
William, Northampton
Co., 354
W atkins, Benjamin, 354
Henry, 354
Micajah, 354
Watson, Abraham, 354
Joseph, 354
Watts, Matthew, 354
Waugh, James, 354
Rev. John, 354
John, 354
Wayles, John, 354
Webb, George, 354
Giles, 354
Lewis, 355
Stephen, 355
Wingfield, 355
Webster, Richard, 355
Roger, 355
Weekes, Abraham, 355
Weir (Weyer), Maj. John.
Welbourn, Thomas, 355
W^eldon, Poynes, 355
Wellford, Dr. Robert, 355
Wells, Richard, 356
West, Anthony, 356
Francis, 44
^Francis (dep. gov.), 79
PVancis, 356
Henry, 356
Hugh, 356
Hugh, Jr., 356
John, 102
John, 356
Capt. John. 45