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Willoughby, Thomas, only son of Captain Thomas \\'illou[;hl)y. of the council, born in \ irginia, December 25. 1632; educated at the Merchant Tailors' School, London ; mar- ried Sarah. daui,dUer of Richard Thompson, November 18. i()^2. lie was lieutenant- colonel of the militia and had large grants of land in Lower Norfolk county. lie left an only son. Thomas Willoughby.

Wills, John Scasbrook, a descendant of r^mmanuel Wills, immigrant, and son of John Wills, was a burgess for Isle of Wight county in the last assembly under the royal government, and member of the conventions of 1775 and 1776. lie was. during the revo- lution, a major of militia and afterwards brigadier-general. He died in 1794.

Wills, Miles, son of Emmanuel Wills and Elizabeth Cary, sister of Miles Cary, the immigrant, was Inirgess for Warwick county in 1714 to succeed William Cary. who died the latter year.

Wilson, James, was an eminent merchant of Norfolk county. He was brother of Colo- nel William WTlson, of Elizabeth City county. He was a justice of the peace and lieutenant-colonel. He was burgess for Nor- folk county in 1698, 1703-05. 1710-12, and his will was proved December 19, 1712, and mentions son Willis (q. v.) and others.

Wilson, Rev. John, was minister of Eliz- abeth river parish in 1637.

Wilson, John, burgess for Norfolk county in 1 769- 1 772. He was a descendant of James W^ilson. lieutenant-colonel, sherifif and bur- gess of Norfolk county.

Wilson, John, of Augusta county, was one of the earlv Scotch-Irish settlers in the val-

ley of \'irginia. lie was born in 1702; set- tled on Middle river, and was colonel of the militia and burgess for Augusta from 1748 till his death in 1773. He left many de- scendants.

Wilson, William, was for many years pre- siding justice of Elizabeth City county and naval officer of the Lower James river. He was burgess for Elizabeth City in 1685, 1688, 1702 and other years. He lived at "Ceeleys," at the mouth of Saltford's creek, and died in 1713. He left one son, Willis Wilson, and two daughters, Mary, who mar- ried (first) William Roscow, and (second) Colonel Miles Cary, of "Rich Neck," and Jane, who married successively Nicholas Curie. James Ricketts and Merrit Sweeney

Wilson, Willis, son of Colonel James Wil- S(jn. of Norfolk county, was burgess for Norfolk county in 1718, 1734. 1748-49. He died in 1758. leaving children, Lemuel, Thomas and Euphan. wife of Josei)h Alston.

Wilson, Willis, was son of Colonel Wil- liam Wilson, of Elizabeth City county. He was captain in the militia and represented Elizabeth City in the house of burgesses in 1696, 1697 and other years, and died with- out issue in 1701.

Windham, Edward, was a burgess in 1642 and 1643 for Lower Norfolk county and a lieutenant-colonel of militia.

Windmill, Christopher, came to Virginia before 1625, lived at the "Indian Thicket," in Elizabeth City, wdiere he had several leases of the public lands.

Winn, John, burgess for Amelia county

in the assemblies of 1769-1771, 1772-1774,

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