mentions no children, but he had doubtless
sons- born after the date of his will and be-
fore its i)roof.
Willcox, Captain John, was a burgess for Nansemond county in 1656, and for North- ampton county in 1658. He was doubtless a son of Captain John Willcox, the burgess or 1624, and was born after the date of his will (1622). He died in 1662, leaving his property to his wife for life, with reversion to his unborn child. In case the child died l;e devised the estate to his wife's children. I'dniund and Henry Yardley ; mentions his brother. Henry \\'illcox, and the Yardley children's uncle. John Custis.
Williams, Dr. Robert, was burgess for Isle cf Wight county in 1666. The same year he patented 3.854 acres on the waters of the Black Swamp. He died in Isle of Wight in 1669, leaving a wife Jane, who married Mr. Robert Burnell, and sons, Robert, George, Arthur and Francis.
Williamson, Dr. James, married Ann Underwood, daughter of William Under- wood, of Isle of Wight county. John Ham- mond fledicated to him his tract. "Leah and Rachel." He afterwards moved to Lancas- ter county, where he was one of the justices in 1652. but died before 1656, leaving two dnughters, ^Margaret, who married W^illiam r..'i]l, Jr.. and Mary, who married John Ros- ier, jr.
Willis, Colonel Francis, of (jlouccster county. \'irginia. was son of I'rancis Willis, of Oxfordshire. England, which last was nephew of Colonel Francis Willis, of the Virginia council. He was a justice of the peace and lieutenant-colonel of the militia for Gloucester countv and burgress from
1727 to 1740 and from 1745 to 1749. He
married (first) Anne Rich, niece of Elias
Rich. Esq.. of St. Paul Covent Garden, Lon-
don, and (second) Elizabeth, widow of
Henry Harrison, and daughter of John
Smith, of "Purton," Gloucester county, Vir-
Willis, Colonel Henry, son of Francis Willis, of Oxfordshire, and brother of Fran- cis Willis (q. v.), represented Gloucester county in the house of burgesses in 1718 and 1723. He was the founder of Fredericks- burg in 1727, and represented Spottsylvania county in the house of burgesses in 1740, and died the same year. He married three times and had issue by each marriage.
Willis, John, son of Colonel Francis Wil- lis, of Gloucester county (q. v.), moved to Brunswick county, which he represented in the house of burgesses from 1752 to 1755. Flis will, in which he calls himself John Willis, of "Bedingfield Hall," was dated No- vember 7, 1764, and proved January 26, 1769. He married, January 26, 1743, Mil- dred Smith, daughter of Augustine Smith, of "Shooters Hill," Middlesex county, Vir- ginia, and left numerous issue.
Willoughby, John, of Willoughby Point, Norfolk county, great-great-grandson of Captain Thomas Willoughby, the immi- grant to Virginia, was member of the house of burgesses from Norfolk county in 1754 and 1755; chairman of the Norfolk county committee of safety, 1774-75, and county lieutenant, 1774-75; in 1776 compelled by Lord Dunmore to take the oath of allegi- ance to the king ; examined by the conven- tion of Virginia and excused, but shortly afterwards rejoined Lord Dunmore. He
died the same year (1776).