Whaley, Thomas, was an early resident
oi' York county, Virginia. Jn Bacon's re-
bellion he was a major and commanded at
Colonel Nathaniel Bacon's house on King's
creek, where he repulsed an attack of Sir
William Berkeley's men and killed their
commander. Captain Hubert I'arrell. At
the collapse of the rebellion he rode away
into the forest with Richard Lawrence and
two others. He left a son. James Whaley,
who married Mary Page.
Whateley (Wheatley), Rev. Solomon,
came t<j X'irginia from Maryland in 1700; was minister of Bruton church from 1702 to 1710. He died in Williamsburg the latter year. In the same year his brother, Thomas Whateley, of Bromeley St. Leonard's, in the county of Middlesex (England), gentleman, made a power of attorney concerning his estate, which was recorded in York county, \'irginia.
Whitaker, Alexander, "the Apostle to Vir- ginia." son of Dr. William Whitaker, a cele- brated Puritan divine and head of St. John's College, Cambridge, was born at Cambridge in 1585 ; was ]\Iaster of Arts of that Univer- sity about 1604; had a good parish in the northern part of England, but gave it up to cfjme to X'irginia in 161 1; was preacher t'. the colony at Henrico in 1612 and after; living at "Rock Hall," his parsonage, oppo- site Henrico, in 1614; minister at Bermuda Nether Hundred in the spring of 1616; drowned before June. 1617. He was author of "Good News from Virginia." published in 1613.
Whitaker, Dr. Walter, resided in Middle- sex county; was justice, 1673; burgess in 1676; high sherifif, 1685. He died Jul}^ 27,
1692. He married Sibella , and a deed
calls him "Walter Andrewes als. W'hitaker."
Whitaker, William, probably a son of William ^\'hitaker, Esq., of the council, was burgess for James City county in 1658-59, and captain of the militia. In 1681 William Whitaker and Agnes, his wife, kept the "I'Yench Ordinary," halfway between Mid- dle Plantation and York. In 1706 William Whitaker, of Warwick, and Sarah, his wife, daughter of Isaac Collier, joined in a deed.
Whittaker, Richard, was a member of the house of burgesses for Warwick county in 1685, 1688 and 1697, and the last year he was sherifif of Warwick.
Whitby, William, lived in Warwick county, which he represented in the house of burgesses in 1641, 1652, 1653, 1654; pre- siding as speaker in 1653. He received two considerable tracts of land, one in Warwick, where he lived, and the other on Potomac creek. Ble married Ruth Gorsuch, daugh- ter of Rev. John Gorsuch, and Anne Love- lace, sister of Colonel Francis Lovelace, and had a son William, who lived in Middlesex county, Virginia, and died about 1676 issue- less.
White, John, was burgess for James City county in 1641. He had a lot at Jamestown in 1644, between the state house and the church. He was probably son of William White, haberdasher of London ("Mrginia Magazine," xv, 64). His will was proved i-i Surry county in 1679 and he left his prop- erty to his two sisters, Lucy Corker and Mary White.
White, Rev. William, minister, died in
Lancaster county in 1658. He was probably