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gesses in i702-i7o(). lie iiKirricd, in Octo- ber. 1698, Judith, (latii^lUcr of Major An- thony Armistead, of I^lizabcth Cit\- county, and had one son Charles, who, ilyiny^ with- out issue, left the West Point estate (4.000 acres I to his cousin. Thomas West.

West, Captain Thomas, of King \\ illiani county, son of L'olonel John West and Unity Crosliaw, his wife, was hurgess for King \\'illiam in ij02-\~o(). lie married Agnes

, and had a son Thomas, who was

given the West Point estate (4,000 acres) ])}• his cousin. Charles West.

West, Thomas, son of Captain 'iliomas West, of King William county, was a bur- gess for that county in 1742-1747. He died i'l 1743. before the asseml)l\- ended. Charles West, his cousin, left him the West Point estate. He married Elizabeth Seaton, daughter of (leorge Seaton, of King and Queen county, and left issue, of wdiom the eldest son was John West.

West, WiUiam, nephew of Lord Dela- ware, killed by the Indians at the falls of James river. \'irginia, in lOii.

Westcomb, James, was clerk of West- moreland county from January 24. 1690, to July, 1709, and burgess fur the county in the assembly of 1700-1702.

Westhrope, John, was a London mer- chant, who in 1650 patented 1,500 acres on Ward's creek, in Charles City county (now Prince George). He was major of militia, and in 1644 represented Charles City county in the house of burgesses. His will, dated September 24, 1655, was proved in London. June 12. 1658. He married a daughter of John Sadler, of London, but had no surviv-

ing issue. He gave his estate to his five


Westwood, William, was son of Worlich \\ estwood, of Elizabeth City county, and was a member of the house of burgesses in

1736-40. 1742-47, 1748-49, 1752-55, 1756-58. His will was proved in May, 1770.

Westwood, Worlich, son of William Westwood, of Elizabeth City county, was a member of the house of burgesses in 1772- 1774 and 1775-1776, and of the conventions of 1775, 1776 and 1788, and member of the house of delegates in 1785, 1790 and 1802-03.

Wetherall, Robert, was burgess for James City county in 1O45, i^S--

Wetherburn, Henry, keei)er of the Raleigh Ta\ern. in Williamsburg. He married Anne Marot, widow of James Shields, also keeper of an ordinary. He died in 1752.

Whaley, James, son of Major Thomas Whaley, was born in 1652. He was a prom- inent merchant of York county, Virginia. He died May 16, 1701. He married, April, 1695. Mary Page, niece of Colonel John Page, and left an only son Matthew, who (Hed at the age of nine years.

Whaley, Mary, daughter of Matthew P.'ige, and widow of James Whaley, of York county. X'irginia. Upon the death of her son Matthew, at the age of nine years, she established in 1706 a free school near Wil- lir.msburg in his honor. She removed some ytars afterwards to England, where she died in St. Mary Redfont parish, January 31. 1743. llie school still continues under the supervision of the College of William

and ^lary.

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