Trigg, Stephen, (lesceiulcd from Abraham
Trig's^ who emij^rated from Cornwall. Eng-
land, about 1710. was a burgess for Fin-
castle county at the last assembly under the
regal government 1775-1776, and member of
the convention of July, 1775 ; went to Ken-
tucky as member of a land commission and
was killed in the battle of lUue Licks at the
head of his regiment. Trigg county was
named in his honor. He was brother of
Colonel Abraham Trigg, a member of con-
Trussell, John, born 1605, came to \'ir- ginia in 1622, was a burgess for Northum- berland 1649, 1651, 1654 and 1655. and jus- tice of that county in 1683 ; lieutenant-colo- nel in 1655, and in 1659 he was presiding justice of the countv. He died about 1660, leaving a widow Mary and children : Eliza- beth, who married ^latthew Rodham : Anna and John.
Tucker, Robert, was a wealthy merchant of Norfolk, wdio came from Barbadoes. Pie was justice of Norfolk county from 171 1 to his death in 1722. He left a son Robert Tucker (q. v.). His wife was Frances Cour- tcnay. who married (second) Thomas Nel- son, of Yorktown.
Tucker, Colonel Robert, was the son of Robert Tucker and Francis Courtenay, his wnfe. who were originally from Barbadoes. He was a prominent merchant of Norfolk, was alderman and mayor, and burgess for Norfolk county from 1753 to 1755, when he resigned to accept the office of sheriff. He married Joanna Corbin, daughter of Gaw^in and Martha Corbin, and died July i. 1767. leaving among other children Robert Tucker (q. v.).
Tucker, Robert, son of Colonel Robert
Tucker and Joanna Corbin, his wife, was
born September 24, 1741, and was burgess
for Norfolk county from 1765 to 1769. He
died in 1780. without issue.
Tuke (Took), James, was a burgess for Isle of Wight in 1O39. He left descendants in that county.
Tunstall, Edward, i)atente(l lands in Hen- rico county, and was burgess for Henrico ii^ K'39: ancestor of a prominent Mrginia family.
Tunstall, Colonel Richard, a descendant of Edward Tunstall (q. v.). w^as clerk of King and Queen in 1739 and 1742; burgess for King and Queen in tlie assembly of 1766-1768; chairman of the committee of safety for that county 1774. and clerk 1777. He married Anne Hill, daughter of Leonard Hill, of Essex, and died previous to 1782. His daughter Hannah married George Brooke of "Panii)atike," King and Oueen county.
Turberville, John, immigrant, descended from the Tui)ervilles of Bere Regis, Dorset. England, was a justice of Lancaster county in 1699, burgess in 1703- 1704. sheriff in 1 705- 1 707 and died in 1728, leaving issue George Turberville. of "Tiickory Hill," Westmoreland county, clerk of that county from 1726 to 1742. The book-plate, show- ing the Turberville arms, of George Tur- ber\ille*s son. (^icorge Lee Turberville, is well known.
Turner, Harry, son of Colonel Thomas Turner, and Martha Taliaferro, his wnfe, \vas a vestryman of Hanoxer parish. King George county, major of militia, clerk of the county from 1742 to 1751. and member of
the house of burgesses from 1742 to I749-