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X'irginia June 23. 1702, and was minister of York parish in York county till his death in 1712. He gave his library to Colonel Cole Digges. who lived in his parish.

Timson, Samuel, merchant of London, who came to X'irginia in ibyj as attorney of William Fellows, woodmonger of Lon- don. He was a justice of York county in 1683 and subsequent years and died Janu- ary 23, 1603. He married Mary Juxon and left issue.

Tindall (Tyndall), Robert, was gunner to Prince Henry ; came to X'irginia with the first settlers. He went on the trip with Newport up James river from May 21 to June 21, 1607, and kept a journal of the voy- age and made a chart of the river, neither of which is preserved. The next year (1608) he went with Newport to Werowocomoco, York river, and made a chart of James and York rivers. At this time Gloucester Point was named after him, Tindall's Point, and it went by that name for a hundred years. In 1609 he went from England as master imder Captain Samuel Argall to fish for sturgeon in James river. Afterwards em- ployed by Lord Delaware, in June, 1609. in fishing, and doubtless afterward sailed con- si antly with Captain Argall.

Todd, Thomas, founder of an influential family in \'irginia. j)atented land in Eliza- beth City county in 1647 and in Gloucester county in 1664. He removed to Maryland where he was burgess for Baltimore county. He died at sea in 1676, leaving issue, among others Thomas Todd of "Toddsbury," Glou- cester county. \'irginia. His wife was Ann Gorsuch. daughter of Rev. John Gorsuch. a cavalier minister.

Todkill, Anas, came with the first settlers to Virginia in 1607. In 1609 he went on a search for Sir Walter Raleigh's lost colony, under the conduct of Pipisco, chief of the Warrascoyacks. He reported that he could learn nothing of them. He wrote an account i,'>. his stay in \'irginia. which Smith used in his history.

Tomkies, Dr. Charles, practitioner of phy- sic, died in (doucester county in May, 1737.

Tompkins, Christopher, born on North ri\ er, (iloucesler county. October 17, 1705, married Joyce Reade, on (jwyn's Island, ])robably the daughter of Benjamin Reade. He died in Carc:»line county. August 8, 1771, leaving issue ("X'irginia Magazine." xix. p. 196).

Tompkins, Humphrey, immigrant ances- tor, was an early resident of New Pocoson parish, York county. He married about 1661 Hannah Bennett, daughter of Samuel Bennett, and widow of Abraham Turner. He had issue Mary, Edith. Samuel. William, Humphrey. Hannah, Elizabeth. .\nn and John.

Tonga, John, cajjtain in the Cold Stream l\)()t-guards, and muster-master of the militia in Cumljerland. Westmoreland coun- ties, England ; was quartermaster in the regiment sent over in October. 1676, to sub- due Bacon's rebellion.

Tooke, Henry, eldest son of Henry Tooke, of Winton. Southamptonshire, England, set- tled in Surry county about 1690, was sheriff and captain of the militia. He died October 20. 1710.

Totopotomoy, chief of the Pamunkey In-

dians and husband of Queen Anne, of that

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