of William Waller, who became coroner;
senior colonel of the Spottsylvania militia
in 1756. He died before 1778.
Thornton, John, was vestryman of Bliss- land parish. New Kent, and burgess in 1720-1722. 1723-1726. He was also major of" the militia. He died in 1730.
Thornton, Peter Presley, son of Colonel Presley Thornton, of "■ Northumberland House," was born Aui^ust 10, 1750. He was a member of the house of burgesses in 1772- 1774. and of the con\entions of July and December. 1775. W as apptiinted colonel of a regiment of minute-men in 1775, but after- wards resigned to accept a position as aide- de-camp to Washington. He married Sally, daughter of Robert Throckmorton, of (jIou- ccster county, and died in or before 1781.
Thornton, WilHam, son of Francis Thorn- ton, of Stafford county, and grandson of the immigrant. William Thornton (descended from the Thorntons of Yorkshire), was born December 14, 1680; settled in that part of Richmond county afterward known as King George county ; sheriff of Richmond in 1709 and 171 1 ; burgess for Richmond in 1712-1714, and one of the two first burgesses for King George county in 1720-1722. He
married Frances , and died in 1743,
leaving a son William. Probably he was the Thornton who represented Stafford count}- in 1727- 1734.
Thornton, William, son of Francis Thorn- ton, of Gloucester county, was born Decem- ber 20, 1 71 7, and removed to Brunswick county. He was a member of the house of burgesses from Brunswick from 1756 to 1768, inclusive. He married. June 25, 1738, Jane Clack, born January 9, 1721, daughter
of James Clack, of Brunswick county. His
will was proved in Brunswick county, No-
vember 23, 1790.
Thorowgood, Adam, son of Captain Adam Thorowgood, of the council, and Sarah Offley, his wife, resided in Lower Norfolk county, for which he was burgess in 1666; justice and sheriff" in 1669, and lieutenant- colonel. He married the daughter of Colo- nel Argall Veardlcy. and had issue with other children, Jcjhn and Adam Thorow- good. of Princess Anne count}-.
Thorowgood, Adam, son of Lieutenant- Colonel Adam Thorowgood, of Lower Nor- folk county, succeeded his brother John as burgess for Princess Anne county in 1702, and was a member also of the assemblies of 1703-1705 and 1705-1706. He was lieuten- ant-colonel, justice, etc. He married Mary Moseley. and died issueless.
Thorowgood, John, son of Lieutenant- Colonel Adam Thorowgood, of Lower Nor- folk county ; was sheriff, justice and lieu- lenant-colonel of Princess Anne county, and burgess in the assemblies of 1695-1696, 1696- 1697. 1698, 1699 and 1700-1702. He died in 1702, and was succeeded by his brother. Colonel Adam ThoroAvgood.
Thorowgood, John, was a member of the convention of May, 1776, that declared in- dependence and of the house of delegates from 1777 to 1786. He represented Princess Anne county and was a great-great grand- son of Colonel John Thorowgood, who died in 1702. He died in 1804.
Thorpe, Major Otho, was a resident of Middle Plantation, Virginia (W'illiams-
bur"-). and in 1660 married Elizabeth, wudow