< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 1.djvu
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Samuel, was >uiU_\- ill i')4(i.

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Stover, Jacob,

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I nati\e oi Switzerland, t)b- le 17, 1730. for himscdf and divers (lerman and Swiss families from the \'irg-inia council a grant of 10,000 acres in I age and Rockingham counties. He was the founder of Strasburg, of which the orig- inal citizens were all (iermans. He died about 1 74 1. lea\ing a son of the same name.

Strachey, Dr. John, son of John Strachey. I-^sq., of Sutton Court, in England, a de- scendant of \\'illiam Strachey. secretary to Lord Delaware; born in 1709. came to \'ir- ginia and settled in King and Queen county. He married Elizabeth \ ernon, and had among other children, Elizabeth, who mar- ried Thomas Metcalfe, of King William countw lie died in I7=i0-

Strother. French, was a member of the convention which met in Williamsburg, May (). 1776. ile was son oi James Strother and Margaret French, and great-grandson <>i William Strother. who made his will in Kichmond county in 1 7C0.

Strother, William, son of William Strother and Margaret Thornton, his wife, was bur- gess ft)r King George county in the assem- bly of 1 727- 1 734. though he died before the close (about 1732). lie had issue: i. Eliz- abeth, married John l">ogg. 2. Alice, mar- ried Henry T\ler. clerk of StalTord county. 3 Anne, married hVancis Tyler, brother of llenry. 4. Agatha, married John Madison, clerk of Augusta county. 5. Jane, married Thomas Lewis, of Augusta county. 6. Mar- garet, married Gabriel Jones, a prominent law\er.

Strafferton, Mr., wa^ abeth City in 1639.

Stratton, Joseph, was burgess for Nut- meg Quarter (now in Warwick county), and for "from Waters' Creek to Marie's Mount," 1632. In 1635 he patented a tract of land in Nutmeg Quarter which was bounded on the southwest by a tract of land "that did formerly belong to Captain John Smith."'

Stuart, John, a native of Glasgow, in Scot- i burgess for Eliz- land, was born in 1754, came to Virginia 'duel settled in Petersl)urg, where he engaged in merchandizing and accjuired a large for- tune. He died February i, 1814.

Streeter, Captain Edward, wa:; for Nansemond countv in i6^6.


Stretchley, John, born in 1648, was clerk of Lancaster county from 1674 to 1698; bur- gess in 1692-93 ; he died December 8, 1698.

Stringer, John, was a burgess for North- ampton county in 1659 and 1660. He was then colonel and a leading justice.

Stubblefield, George, son of George Stub- blefield, who died in 1751-1752, was burgess for Spottsylvania in the assemblies of 1772- 1774 and 1775-1776, and member of the con- ventions of 1775.

Studley, Thomas, first cape merchant or keeper of the public stores at Jamestown. He died August 28, 1607.

Sullivan, Daniel, was clerk of Nansemond county in 1702 and other years. He owned the land on wdiich Suffolk was afterwards built. His son, Daniel Jr., had a daughter Margaret who married Jethroe Sumner and they were parents, it is believed, of General

Jethroe Sumner, of the American revolution.

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