for Charles City ciumty. Ik* married Sus-
anna r.athurst. daus^diter of Lancelot Ba-
tlnirst. of New Kent cnunty. His will was
presented in court in 1741. lie let't issue.
Stith, John, came to \'ir<,Mnia before 165^) j.nd settled in Charles City county. In 1656 he was a lieutenant of militia, in 1676 a cap- tain, antl in 1680 a major. He was also a merchant, a lawyer and a justice of the peace. He was a prominent supporter of Sir William I'.erkeley durinj; liacon's re- bellion in Ift7(». In i()Sfi he was a burgess for Charles City county. He left issue — John Stith, Drury Stith. Anne, married C'olonel Robert Piolling.
Stith, John, son of Major John Stith (q. ^. ). had in 1692 a patent for land on the south side of Chickahominy river, in James City county. He was captain of the militia ii. 1692, sheriff in 1691, and burgess for Charles City county in 1692-93. He mar- ried jNIary Randolph, daughter of William Randolph, of Turkey Island, and Mary Isham, his wife. He died before 1724, leav- ing issue: i. Rev. William Stith, president of William and Mary ( q. v.). 2. John Stith. 3 Mary Stith, married William Daw^son, president of \\'illiam and Mary College.
Stith, John, son of John Stith and Mary Randolph, had large tracts of land in Charles City and Prince George counties. He was burgess for Charles City county, 1718, 1723, 1726, and in May, 1737, took the oath as lieutenant-colonel of the militia. He mar- ried Elizabeth Anderson, a daughter of Rev. Charles Anderson, of Westover, and died about 1758.
Stith, Richard, surveyor of Bedford county, was a justice of the peace in 1758
and a l)urgess for Bedford in 175^) and 1757.
lie was probably a son of lieutenant-colonel
John Stith, of Charles City county and Eliz-
abeth .\nderson, his wife. In 1772 he was
still living in Bedford.
Stith, Thomas, son of Lieutenant-Colonel Lrury Stith and Elizabeth Buckner, his wife, was born December 29, 1729, and died in 1801. He w^as a burgess for Brunswick from 1709 to 1774; was one of the justices of the county (1765-1784), and was county surveyor in 1783. He qualified April 27, 1772, as major of the county militia.
Stith, William, son of Captain John Stith, o>' Charles City county, and Mary Randolph, his wife, daughter of Colonel William Ran- (lolph. His father died before 1724, when his mother was matron at William and Mary College. He was educated at Wil- liam and Mary College and at Queen's Col- lege. Oxford, wdiere he took Bachelor of Arts and Master of .Arts; master of the grammar school at William and ^lary (T731); rector of Henrico i)arish (1738); president of William and Mary College (1752-1755); chaplain to the house of bur- gesses (1753), and rector of York-Hampton parish (1752-1755); author of a history of A'irginia, of a sermon preached before the house of burgesses on "The Sinfulness of Gaming." etc. He married Judith Randolph, daughter of Thomas Randolph, of Tucka- hoe. He died September 19. 1755.
Stobo, Robert, was born in Glasgow in 1727 of respectable parentage; settled in \'irginia about 1742 as merchant; appointed captain, and surrendered July 3, 1754, with Van Braam at Fort Necessity as hostages
for the fulfillment of the articles of capitu-