located at Fredericksburg and acquired a
large fortune. He died at Port Royal, Vir-
ginia, April 25, 1798. He left his large
estates to his nephew. James Somerville.
who came to \'irginia. and died there leav-
ing issue.
Southcoat, Captain "Thomas," was bur- gess for Charles City county October, 1666. He was probably Captain Otho Southcoat, gentleman, of Westover. who was agent in 1665 for Sir John, Lord Pawlett, when he sold Westover to Theodoric Bland.
Southern, John, of Jamestown, gentle- man, came to Virginia in 162 1 ; burgess for Jsmes City in 1623 and 1629-1630. In 1627 he patented twenty-four acres on the island of Jamestown. After Edward Sharpless was removed. Southern was appointed act- ing secretary of the colony.
Span, Cuthbert, was burgess for Xor- thumberland county in 1693. He was son '>i Richard Span, and left sons Richard and John Span, living in 1712.
Sparrow, Charles, was a burgess for Charles City county in 1645, 1649, i^S^ and 1660. He was major, one of the justices of Charles City, and was buried September 1 1 . 1 660.
Speed, James, son of John Speed, of Mecklenburg county who died in 1785. was burgess for Charlotte county in 1772- 1774, '775-^77-
Speke, Thomas, born 1623. patented i.ooo acres in Northumberland county. Virginia.
1650 and in 1651 was a
wards in 16
55 justice ot
burgess ; after-
county, and lieutenant-colonel. He married
Frances, daughter of Dr. Thomas Gerrard.
and died in 1659. His widow married suc-
cessively, between that time and 1676. \'al-
entine Peyton. John Appleton and John
A\'ashington. He left a son Thomas, and a
brother John living in Bath, Somersetshire,
England. The son died without issue and
his property in Virginia descended to Hugh
Speke, Esq., of Bath, who disposed of it.
The Spekes were an old Somersetshire
Spelman (Spilman), Henry, third son of Sir Henry Spelman, the famous antiquary. He was baptized 1595, came to \'irginia in August, 1609; was taken by Captain Smith to the falls of James river and given to Powhatan in return for the site of the Indian town; escaped and returned to Jamestown ; sent back to Powhatan in Oc- tober, 1609, with whom he remained till March, 1610, when he ran away to the King of Potomac. With this chief he remained till September, 1610, when he was ransomed by Captain Argall ; served afterwards as in- terpreter and rose to the rank of captain. ])Ut in 1619 was degraded from his rank by the assembly for speaking disrespectfully of Governor Yardley. In 1623 he went up the Potomac river to trade, and was betrayed and killed by the Anacostan Indians.
Spence, Alexander, son of Patrick Spence, of Westmoreland county, Virginia. He was captain of the militia and burgess from 1696 to 1702 for Westmoreland county.
Spencer, Captain Robert, was born in 1630, was justice of Surry, and made his will March 5, 1678. He is believed to have been a brother of Nicholas Spencer, presi- dent of the council, who had a brother
Robert of about the same age.