Smith, Rev. Guy, came to \'irginia before
1700 and was minister of Abingdon Church,
Gloucester county. He was a member of
the convention of the clergy that assembled
at William and Mary College in 1719. He
died about 1720, leaving issue at least four
sons, John, (kiy, Constantine and Lawrence.
Smith, John, came to Virginia about 1652. married Anna Bernard, daughter of Richard Bernard, of "Purton,"' in Gloucester county. He was major in 1665. lieutenant-colonel be- fore i'")74, and sided with Sir \\'illiam Berke- ley in 1676 against Bacon. His son, John Smith, of Purton, married Mary Warner, daughter of Colonel Augustine ^^'arner.
Smith, Major John, came to Virginia about 1650, and resided first in Warwick c(/unty ; was speaker of the house of bur- gesses in 1658 ; removed to Westmoreland county, where he was known as Major Fran- cis Dade. He died in 1662. Ancestor of the Dade family of \^irginia.
Smith, John, son of Augustine Smith, of "Shooter's Hill,"' Middlesex county and Sarah Carver, his wife, was born November 13, 1715. He was burgess for Middlesex in the assemblies of 1761-1765, October, 1765, 1766-1768. He was a wealthy planter, married Mary Jaquelin, daughter of Ed- ward Jaquelin, of Jamestow^n, and died near Winchester. November 19, 1771. He was father of General John Smith, of "Hack- wood," Frederick county.
Smith, John, burgess for Goochland county in 1756- 1758. He was son of Guy Smith, of Gloucester county, was born September 23. 1725, and married in 1751. Elizabeth Hopkins, daughter of Arthur Hopkins, of Goochland.
Smith, Joseph, came from Ireland to Vir-
ginia about 1 7 10, was justice of the peace of
Essex and colonel of the Essex militia. He
died 1727. He was a wealthy merchant and
mentions in his will his brothers John
Smith, late of Biddeford, merchant, Benja-
min Smith, of the kingdom of Ireland, and
James Smith (jf Rosse in Ireland.
Smith, Lawrence, was a resident of Glou- cester county, X'irginia, and in March, 1675- 1676, he commanded a fort at the head of Rappahannock river. In Bacon's rebellion he sided with Governor Berkeley, and after Bacon's death led the Gloucester "trained hands" against Ingram, but they deserted him. He was surveyor for the counties of Gloucester and York in 1686. and in 1691 laid out Yorktown. In 1699 the governor recommended him as suitable for appoint- ment to the council. He died in 1700. From his coat-of-arms Major Smith appears to have belonged to the Smiths of Totne, countv Devon. England. He was father of Colonel John Smith, of the \^irginia council.
Smith, Lawrence, son of Major Lawrence Smith, of Gloucester county, settled in York county, where he was lieutenant-colonel of the militia, justice of the peace, sheriff, and one of the feoffees of Yorktown. In 1720 and several succeeding years he represented York county in the house of burgesses. He married (first) Mildred, daughter of Cap- tain Thomas Chisman, and (second") Mil- dred, daughter of Robert Reade. He died in 1739, at his h'j'--e near Yvktown.
Smith, Lawrence, son of Colonel John Smith. Esq.. of Gloucester county, was born about 1700. and represented Gloucester county in the house of burgesses in 1734-
1740. He died the latter year (1740).