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Semple (brother of Rev. James Semple), who emigrated to New Kent county in 1755. John Semple was a lawyer who married Elizabeth Walker in 1761. R. 15. Semple. their youngest son, was born at '"Rose Mount."' King and Queen county, January 20, 1769; went to school under Rev. Peter Nelson ; studied law ; but becoming con- verted to the tenets of the Baptists, he be- came an eminent preacher in that sect. He married Ann Lowry, daughter of Colonel Thomas Lowry, of Caroline county. He died L'ecember 25, 1831.

Servant, Bertram (or Bertrand), "a nat- uial born subject of the kingdom of France," was born in 1632. came to Elizabeth City county in 1650, and was naturalized in 1698. He was a justice of the peace and prominent citizen. He had issue, Jane, who married I*eter Probey. Rebecca, who married Jacob ^\"alker, I-Vances. who married John ( ieorge, Mary, who married Francis IJallard. and Jci.mes, who died in 1735. leaving issue. He died in Xovcniber. 1707.

Seward, John, immigrant, came to \'ir- ginia from Bristol. England, before 1635. He was a merchant and had grants of land in Isle of Wight county, one of which was called "New Hemington." He was burgess for Isle of Wight in 1645, and his will dated November 30, 1650, was proved February 9. 1650-165 1, in the general court and after- wards recorded in Isle of Wight county in 1705. He left two sons John and James Seward.

Sharpe, Samuel, came to \'irginia in the Scavcntnrc in 1609 with Sir Thomas Gates, and his wife came in the Margaret and John in 1620. He was burgess for Charles City in the assembly of 1619, and for the neck

o\ land in October, 1625. He was then .^tyled Sergeant Sharpe.

Sharpe, Rev. Thomas, came to Mrginia in 1699 and was minister first of St. Paul's parish. New Kent county, afterwards Han- over. On April 22,, 1620, he became min- i.':ter of St. Peter's Church, but died Septem- L^er 3 of the same year ; ancestor of the Sharpe family of Henrico and Norfolk.

Sharpies, Edward, was clerk of the coun- cil, and acting secretary of state on the death of Christopher Davison in 1624. Con- trary to the orders of the council, he de- livered to the commissioners sent over from England by the King certain papers en- trusted to his care. As a consequence, he was removed and lost a part of one of his ears. This order was entered May 10. 1624.

Sheild, Robert, was an early settler in York count}- and married Elizabeth Bray, sister of Arthur Bray, wine cooper of Lon- don. He died about 1661. leaving a son Robert from whom descends the Sheild family still prominent in \^irginia.

Sheild, Rev. Samuel, son of Major Robert Sheild. of York county and Rebecca Hyde, his wife, entered the grammar school of William and Mary College in 1769. entered the philosophy schools in 1771. and in 1773 received the Botetourt medal for classical learning. In 1774 he went to England to be ordained, and on his return in 1775 was made minister of Drysdale parish. Caroline count}'. In 1779 he became minister of York flami)tun parish, to which he added in 1792 the duties of the adjoining Charles parish. He died in 1803.

Shelley, Walter, was a burgess for

Smythe's Hundred in the first assembly.

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