in March. 1692-1693. He left 3.420 acres
tor a free school in Accomac county. He
died in 17 10. His brother John Sanford
was a large landholder in Princess Anne
county, and a justice of the peace. He died
in 1693.
Saunders. John Hyde, was a great-grand- son of John Saunders, who died in York county, X'irginia in 1700. He was a student at William and Mary College in 1762, went to England and on his return in 1772. was made minister of St. James parish, South - am. Cumberland county. In 1775 he was a member of the county committee, espousing the American side of the revolution. (For descendants, see Saunders" '"Early Settlers in Alabama").
Saunders, Jonathan, was minister of Lyn- haven parish. Princess Anne county. He died in 1702. His widow Aviary married Maximilian Calvert. Jonathan Saunders left issue a son Captain John Saunders, mariner, who died in 1734 leaving three children Jonathan. Margaret and Mary.
Saunders, Roger, was a burgess for Ac- comac in I 632- I 633.
Savage, Captain John, of Savage's Neck. Xorthampton county, born in 1624, was son of Ensign Thomas Savage; burgess for Xorthampton 1666 to 1676; married (first) Anne Elkington ; (second) Mary, daughter of Colonel Obedience Robins.
Savage, Colonel Littleton, probably son of Thomas Savage and Esther Littleton, his wife, was born in 1740, member Xorthamp- ton committee of safety 1774-1776 and jus- tice 1792; colonel of the militia; born in 1741, died January 9. 1805.
Savage, Nathaniel Littleton, son of
Thomas Savage and Esther, daughter of
Xathaniel Littleton, great-great-grandson
of Ensign Thomas Savage, was member of
the Xorthampton committee of safety 1774-
1776. of the convention of 1776 and of the
first house of delegates 1776.
Savage, Thomas, came to \'irginia with the first settlers in 1608 when thirteen years old. and soon after was given to Powhatan bv Xewport in exchange for an Indian, Xa- montack. He remained with Powhatan about three years, and afterwards per- formed a useful part as interpreter of the Indian language; was ensign and had an arrow shot through his body. About 1619 he went to the eastern shore, where he re- ceived from the "Laughing King"' a tract of land called Savage's Xeck. He died about 1635. He left an only son John Savage.
Savin, Robert, a burgess for W'arro- S(;Uoyack in 1629.
Sayer, Francis, was in 1672 a justice and major of militia in Lower Xorfolk county; he was a burgess for Xorfolk county in 1692-1693. His son Charles Sayer, was a vestryman of Lynhaven parish. Princess Anne county in 1723. and clerk of the court.
Scarburgh, Colonel Edmund, was a mem- ber of the house of burgesses from Acco- mac 1723, 1726, 1738, 1740; sheriff in 1721 ; naval officer in 1731 ; removed to York countv where he married Anna Maria Jones. He died in York county in 1753, leaving a son A\'illiam. a grandson Edmund Scarburgh. and daughters Elizabeth Hall
and Priscilla lohnson.