cluirch of England. His daughter Scar-
burgli married John ^^'ise, ancestor of
Henry A. Wise.
Robinson, William, was a nephew of Maximilian Robinson, of Redcriff, mar- iner, (who had formerly lived and owned ccnsidcrable land in \'irginia), came to \'irginia about 1695 and settled on an estate later known as "Bunker Hill." He was high sheriff of Richmond county, 1708, county lieutenant 17 18, and was a burgess for the county from 1704 to 1730. He married Frances, only daughter of Captain Samuel lUoomfield. He died September 20, 1742, leaving issue Maximilian Robinson, of King George county.
Robinson, William, was a burgess for Norfolk county at the assembly of 1695- 1696, but died before the opening of the second session (1696).
Robinson, William, son of Maximilian Kcjbinson. was burgess for King George county in the erssemblies of 1766-1768, 1769, 1769-1772.
Rogers, John, was a burgess for James City in 1645.
Rogers, Richard, son of Captain John Rogers, was burgess for Northumberland county in 1692- 1 693, but his seat was con- tested and vacated by order of the house. He left several daughters, one of whom Elizabeth Middleton, wife of Benedict Mid- dleton, of Cople parish. Westmoreland county, as coheiress, made a deed in 1723 to her son Robert Middleton for some land patented by her grandfather. Captain John Rogers in 1662.
Rookins, William, born in 1598. came to
A'irginia in 1619 in the Bona Xozv. He
married Jane Baxter and in 1625 was ser-
vant at Elizabeth City in Sergeant Barry's
muster. He was living in 1641. He was
father of William Rookins, of Surry county,
one of Bacon's majors, who was condemned
to death at a court marshal held at Green
Spring January 24. 1677. Init died in prison.
He was a brother-in-law of Captain Nich-
olas W'^yatt, and left children William.
Elizabeth and Jane.
Roscow, James, of Hampton, son of Wil- liam Roscow, of Blunt Point, Warwick county, was appointed receiver-general of Virginia January 22. 17 16. and was member of the house of burgesses for A\'arwick county in 1720 and 1722. in which latter year he died, and was succeeded in the general assembly by his brother William.
Roscow, William, gentleman, born at Chorley, Lancashire. November 30, 1664; lived at "Blunt Point." \\'arwick county, Virginia ; one of the A\'arwick justices of the peace, married Mary, daughter of Colo- nel William Wilson of Elizabeth City county; died November 2, 1700; his tomb- stone shows his coat-of-arms. He left issue: i. \\'illiam. who married Euphan Dandridge. and died before 1717. 2. James, appointed receiver-general of Virginia Jan- uary 22, 1716; died without issue. 3. \\"i\- liam (q. v.). 4. Willis, born about 1701. died under age, without issue.
Roscow, William, son of William Ros- cow of "Blunt Point,"' Warwick county, Mrginia. sheriff' of \\'arwick, lieutenant- colonel, and burgess in 1734-1740; died be- fore 1768. leaving issue by his wife, Lucy,
dcUigfhter of Colonel AMlliam Bassett, of