court of Gloucester, lieutenant-colonel ot
the militia for that county ; burgess and
speaker. He was the only native resident,
who ever received the honors of knight-
lK)od. He was also first recorder, in 1736,
of the borough of Norfolk. He seems to
have been considered as head of the \ ir-
ginia bar in his day. lie was interred in
the chapel of \yilliani and Mary College,
wdiich he represented in the legislature. He
uas a great nephew ni Thdinas Randolph.
the poet. He was father of John Randolph,
attorney general of Virginia, and of Peyton
Randolph, first president of the continental
congress. In his latter years he resided in
Randolph, Richard, son of William Ran- dolph and Mary I sham, his wife, of Turkey Island, resided at "Curls Neck."" Henrico countv ; justice of Henrico and colonel of the county : burgess at the assemblies of 1 727- 1 734. 1734-1740. 1 742- 1 747 and I74f^' 1749; treasurer of \'irginia 173^'-I73f^; mar- ried Jane, daughter of Major John Rolling, of Cobbs. He died in 1749.
Randolph, Richard, son of Richard Ran- dolph of "Curls Neck." Henrico county. was justice of the peace, and burgess for Henrico in 1766-1769, 1770-1772, and signer of the associations of 1769 and 1772. Pie married Anne, daughter of David Meade, of Nansemond. He left issue. He w^as brother of John Randolph, father of Jf)hn Randolph, of "Roanoke."
Randolph, Thomas, son of William Ran- dolph and Mary Isham. of "Turkey Island," was born about 1683. justice of Henrico in 1713. burgess in 1720-1722. He married Judith Fleming of New Kent county. He
settled at "Tuckahoe,"" in Goochland county
set off from Henrico in 1727.
Randolph, William, born in 1651, died April II. 1711; was son of Richard Ran- dolph, a royalist, and Elizabeth Ryland, his wife. I lis family was an. ancient one in XorthamiJtonshire, England. He came to \irginia about i()73. succeeded his uncle Henry Randolph as clerk of Henrico county in 1 073, and held the office until 1683; bur- gess i(>85 to 1699, and in 1703, 1704-1705 and 1710; attorney general 1696; speaker of the house of burgesses 1698. He married Mary, daughter of Henry Isham, of Ber- muda Hundred, un James ri\er. and had issue: William, the councillor, who married Elizabeth Beverley ; Thomas, of "Tucka- hoe :"' Isham. of "Dungeness ;"' Sir John; Richard, of "Curls;" Elizabeth, wdio married Richard R.land ; Mary, married William Stith : Edward, a sea captain: Henry, died unmarried.
Randolph, William, son of Thomas Ran- dol})h, of "Tuckahoe,"" was born in 1712, burgess for Goochland in the assembly of [742-1747, but died in 1745 and was suc- ceeded by George Carrington. He married Maria Judith, daughter of Mann Page, of "Rosewell"" (iloucester count}-.
Randolph, William, of "Wilton."" Henrico county, was son of William and Elizabeth (Beverley) Randol])h of "Turkey Island," was burgess for Henrico in 1758-1761 : mar- ried .Anne, daughter of Benjamin Harrison, of [ierkeley. and died in 1761.
Ransone, Captain James, son of Peter Ransone, resided on the North river, and represented (iloucester county (now Math-
ews) in the house of burgesses from 1692