and Hannah (Hack) Moselcy, was a bur-
gess for Princess Anne cnunty in 1752, 1753,
1754. 1755 ; 1755, surveyor and searcher of
Elizabeth and Xansemond rivers; burgess
for Princess Anne from 17O2 to 1769. He
was also sheriff and colonel of the county ; a
Loyalist in the revolution and friend of
Benedict Arnold. He married Mary Bas-
sett. daughter of Colonel William Bassett,
of "Eltham," Xcw Kent county, who died
in her thirty-eighth year, August 2;^, 1755.
and is buried at "Greenwich." Princess .\nne
county, one of the Moseley seats. He mar-
ried (second) Frances Wylie. who survived
him. His will was dated May 24, 1782, and
was proved April 10, 1783. He left a son
Edward Hack Moseley, Jr. His residence
ii. Princess Anne was called "Rolleston."
Moseley, Edward, son of William Mose- Icv and Mary (Jookin. his wife, daughter of Captain John and Sarah Gookin, was born in 1661, and was county lieutenant of Prin- cess Anne county, justice of the peace and high sheriff, and burgess in 1700-1702, 1703- 1705, 1706. He died in 1736. He married several times, his first wife being Frances, daughter of Colonel John Stringer, of Xorth- ampton county. His father. William Mose- ley, was second son of William Moseley, merchant of Rotterdam.
Moseley, Edward Hack, Jr., son of Colo- nel Edward Hacke Moseley and Mary Bas- sett, his wife, was burgess for Princess Anne county from 1769 to 1775. He was born in 1743. and died February 4, 1814. He mar- ried Martha Westwood.
Moseley, William, lived in Essex county, was burgess for that county in 1695. His will, proved .\pril 10. T700. names sons. Wil-
liam and John, daughter Martha, and three
Itrothers. Echvaril. Robert and r.enjamin
Mossom, Rev. David, son of Thomas Mos- som. chandler, was born at Greenwich, Kent. England, March 25, 1690, schooled at Lewisham, admitted sizar at St. John's Col- lege. Cambridge, June 5, 1705. He became rtctor of St. Peter's Church. Xew Kent county, \irginia, in 1727, and continued lorty years. On January 6, 1759, he per- fc-rmed the marriage of George Washington to Martha Custis, widows of Colonel Daniel Parke Custis, and daughter of Colonel John Landridge. He died January 4, 1767, leav- ing issue.
Mottrom, John, resided in 1644 at York, in York county, Virginia. He was a suc- cessful merchant and shipper. About 1645 he removed to Chicacone — the first settle- ment on the Virginia side of the Potomac r^ver — where his house became a resort for Protestants who fled from Maryland. When Northumberland county was formed in 1645, he represented it in the house of burgesses. Fie was burgess again in 1652, and was justice of the peace and colonel of the militia. He had issue, among others Major John Mottrom (q. v.).
Mottrom, John, son of Colonel John Mot- trom, was a justice of Xorthumberland county court, and a major in the county m.ilitia. In 1675 he was a burgess. He left issue. Captain Spencer Mottrom.
Moyses, Theodore, was living in Virginia ill i(>2^. Burgess for Archer's Hope in J?mes City corporation in 1629.
Munford, Robert, son of James Munford.