a justice, major of militia and burgess in
1692. He married, in 1673, Elizabeth Binns,
daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Walter
Aston, of Westover, and widow of Thomas
Binns. By a former marriage he had a son
Mason, George, immigrant, born 1630, came to Virginia about 1651, a strong royal- ist, settled in StafTord county ; was a mem- ber of the Northern Neck committee in 1667; sheriff of Stafford, 1669; member of the house of burgesses for Staft'ord in 1676, and county lieutenant commanding the militia. lie died in 1686.
Mason, Colonel George, son of Colonel George Mason, the immigrant, was like his father county lieutenant of Stafford and was a burgess for the county April, 1688, April, 1691, October, 1693, April, 1695, September, 1696, April and October, 1697; September. 1698; April. 1699; August. 1701, and ^lay and June. 1702. He married three times and died in 1716. He was grandfather of George Ma.^on. of the American revolution.
Mason, James, a son of Francis Mason, of Lower Norfolk county, was a burgess for Surry county in 1654; he died about 1670. leaving a son Francis, born in 1647, who married Elizabeth Aston, widow of Thomas Binns, and daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Aston, of Westover.
Mason, Colonel Lemuel, son of Lieutenant Francis Mason, w^as born in Virginia about 1628; was justice of Lower Norfolk county from 1649; sheriff, 1664 and 1668; member of the house of burgesses, 1654, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1663, 1666, 1675. 1685, 1692; colonel of the militia in 1680. and presiding justice. His will, dated June 17. 1695, ^"^^^
proved September 15, 1702. He married
Anne, daughter of Henry Seawell, of Sea-
well's Point (Sewell's Point;. ;
Mason, Thomas, burgess for Norfolk county in 1696- 1697.
Massie, Thomas, son of Peter Massie, who emigrated from England and patented lands in New Kent county, Virginia, in 1698; was vestryman of St. Peter's Church, New Kent, |
in 1708. and burgess in the assembly of 1723-1726. He married Mary Walker, March 23, 1699, and had issue. He was father of William Massie (q. v.).
Massie, William, son of Thomas Massie (q. v.). was born in New Kent county, May 28, 1718. He was burgess for the county in 1 1748 and 1749, in which latter year he died. ; He married ]\Iartha ]\Iacon, daughter of j Colonel William ]\Iacon, and after his death \ she married Theodorick Bland. He was father of !\Iajor Thomas ]\Iassie, of Am- i herst. aide to Washington. j
Mathew, Thomas, was a merchant, who i acquired lands in Stafford and Northumber- land counties. In 1676 he represented Staf- ford in the house of burgesses. He removed to England at a later date and lived in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster. He is celebrated as the author of a narrative of P.acon's rebellion, published in Force's ; Tracts, signed "T. M." In his Avill dated i May 6, 1703, and recorded February 8, 1706, | in the probate court of Canterbury, he re- j fers to himself as "formerly of Cherry Point, in the parish of Bowtracy. Northumber- land county., \'a.," and asks to be buried by the side of his son William \r\ the I "Church of St. Dunstan's in the East. He
gave all his estate in England and Virginia