London, who came to York county, \'ir-
ginia, about 1650. He married in 1661
Elizabeth, widow of ^Ir. John Hansford,
father of Colonel Thomas Hansford, of
Bacon's rebellion. He died in 1667 in the
parish of St. Catherine Creechurch, Lon-
don, leaving his property to his nephew
Isaac Collier, and other relatives in \'ir-
ginia. His brother John Lockey was a Lon-
don ship captain and merchant.
Lomax, Lunsford, of 'Tortobago," Caro- line county, son of John Lomax, and grand- son of Rev. John Lomax, M. A., of Emman- uel College, Cambridge, a Puritan divine, was born November 5, 1705, and repre- sented Caroline county in the house of burgesses from 1742 to 1756. He married twice (first) Mary Edwards; (second) Judith ]\licou, and died June 10, 1772, leav- ing issue.
Lord, John, son of Thomas Lord, one of the original proprietors of Hartford. Con- necticut, removed to \'irginia. and was li\-ing in Westmoreland county 1668; jus- tice and militia captain for that county, November 5, 1677. He had issue Elizabeth, who married James Neale, of Maryland, and William Lord, sheriff of Westmoreland county in 1729.
Loving, Thomas, was a merchant w-ho resided at Martin's Hundred, James City cc>unty. He was member of the house of burgesses for James City county in 1644, 1646 and in March, 1657- 1658. He was also surveyor general of Virginia until his death in 1665. He married before 1639 the widow of Thomas Kingston. His daughter and heiress Anne married October 28, 1666. Dr. Edward Thruston, son of T^^hn Thruston.
chamberlain of Bristol, England, who has
descendants in Virginia.
Lovelace, Colonel Francis, son of Sir Wil- liam Lovelace, and brother of Richard Lovelace, the poet, served Charles 1. ni Wales, and commanded Caermathen from 1644 until it was captured by Langhorne in October, 1645. His estate was sequestered by the parliamentarians and in 1650 he came to Virginia. At the surrender of Vir- ginia to the parliamentary commissioners in 1652 he was allowed to repair to Charles H. with the news. After the restoration he was made governor of New York from 1667 to 1673. His sister Anne married Rev. John Gorsuch, of England and Virginia.
Lucas, Thomas, gentleman, patented 600 acres in Lancaster county in 1652 and was burgess for that county in 1657-1658, and died in 1673. He had had two wives, the last being Margaret, widow of Captain John Upton, whom he married in 1657. His son Thomas by the first marriage died without issue, and administration on his estate in England was granted to his cousin and next of kin John Lucas.
Luddington, William, burgess for York county in 1646.
Ludlow, Thomas, son of Gabriel and
Phillis Ludlow, of an ancient family in Wilt- shire, England, and nephew of Colonel George Ludlow (q. v.). He was baptized at Warminster November i, 1624. came to Virginia and became lieutenant-colonel of the militia of York county. His brother John qualified on his estate December 20. 1660. He left a son George, who died with- out issue and a daughter Elizabeth, who
married John Wiles of Culford parish,