July 14. 1714: tirst clerk of Louisa count}-,
1742-17(10; burgess for lianover county in
1764 to succeed Xathaniel West Dandridii^e.
whose election he contested and \vht> em-
ployed Patrick Henry to defend his cause;
was reelected to the assembly of 1766- 1768.
but died in ij(>h. \\y his second wife Eliza-
beth Lewis, ilauj^hter of Zachary Lewis, he
had Cleneral Lewis Eittleijage, who was
chamberlain and conlidential secretary to
the King of Poland.
Littlepage, Richard, was son of Mr. Rich- ard Littlepage, who patented land in New Kent. X'irginia. 1660. He was vestryman of St. Peter's church, just'ce. and burgess for New Kent in 16S5. He died March 20. 1 71 7. and was father of James Littlepage ( q. V. I.
Livingston, William, was a merchant of
New Kent county. He contracted in 1716
with Charles Stagg. dancing master and
theatrical manager, to ojierate the first
theatre in America at W illiamsburg. The
theatre was built, and comedies and tragedies represented.
Llewellyn, Daniel, of Chelmsford, Essex. England, came to \'irginia in or before 1642 and settled near Shirley in Charles City county. He received various grants of land, was justice of the peace for Charles City county, a captain of militia and a member of the house of burgesses for Henrico county in i')43 and 1644 and for Charles City county in 1646. 1652. 1655. 1656. He married Anne, widow of Robert Hallam and died at Chelmsford, in 1664. leaving a son Daniel in \"irginia. l)orn 1647.
Lloyd, Cornelius, was a London merchant who came to \irginia and was member of
the house o\ burgesses for Lower Norfolk
county i()42-43 and 1(144. for Isle of Wight
1(145. '^'^'^^ again for I^owcr Xorftilk comity,
1647, ^^^S-> ^vhen he receixed the rank of
lieutenant-colonel, and 1653 when he held
the rank of colonel. He was born about
i6c8 and died before December 20, i()54.
Lloyd, Edward, was a brother of Colonel Cornelius Lloyd, and was a burgess for Lower X or folk county I(i44-i()46, was a Puritan and removed to Mar\land in 1648, and was ancestor of the family of the Lloyd name there.
Lloyd, John, son of Colonel Williarr. Llo_ (1. of Kaiipahannock. was justice lor Richmond county in 1693. '^"'■^ ^^'^^ recom- mended to the English government as a suitable man in estate and standing for ajij^ointment to the council. He married, about 1693, Elizabeth, only child and heir- ess of Colonel John Carter. Jr. He removed to England about 1700 and resided in the city of Chester.
Lloyd, Thomas, son of Colonel William Lloyd, of Rappahannock county, was bur- gess for Richmond county in 1699.
Lloyd, William, came to \'irginia before 1667 and patented extensive tracts of land. In 16S6. he w^as a justice of Rappahan- nock and lieutenant-colonel of the militia. He married (first) l\Lir}-. widow of Moore Fauntleroy ; and (second) Elizabeth, wddow of John Hull. He was burgess for Rappa- hannock in 1(^185. He had two sons John and, Thomas (q. v.).
Lobb, George, was a burgess in iC)5Ci; one of the principal silk-raisers in \'irginia.
Lockey, Edward, was a merchant of