W illiam Talbot translated his journal from
the Latin and published it.
Lee, George, only son of Richard Lee, (who was grandson of Richard Lee, the immigrant), and Martha Silk, his wife, was born in London August i8, 17 14, settled at "Mt. Pleasant," Westmoreland county. On tlie death of Colonel Daniel McCarty, he represented his county in the house of bur- gesses, and was a delegate in 1744-1747, 1748-1749; deputy clerk under his brother- in-law, George Turrberville, from 1740 to 1742, clerk 1 742- 1 76 1 ; vestryman of Cople parish 1755, and justice of the peace. His will, dated September 15, 1761, was proved January 26. 1762.
Lee, Hancock, son of Richard Lee, Esq., was born in 1653, was justice for Northamp- ton county in 1677. later removed to Nor- thumberland county, where he was justice in 1687 and burgess in 1688 and 1698. His military rank was that of captain. Lie mar- ried (first) Mary, only daughter of Colonel William Kendall; (second) Sarah, daughter of Isaac Allerton, Esq. He died May 25, 1709, leaving issue.
Lee, Dr. Henry, was an early resident of York county ; was justice of the peace and burgess in 1652. He died in 1657. Lie mar- ried Marah Atkins, daughter of Thomas At- kins, and was the ancestor of the Lees of the Peninsula of Virginia. He is supposed to have been a brother of Richard Lee, of Westmoreland, ancestor of General Robert E. Lee.
Lee, Henry, of "Leesylvania," Prince William county, third son of Henry Lee and Mary Bland, his wife, was born in 1729. probably at "Lee Hall," Westmore-
land. He was justice of the peace of Prince
William and county lieutenant. He was
burgess in the assemblies of May, 1769,
1769-1771, 1772-1774, and 1775-1776, and
member of the conventions of 1774, 1775,
1776. Henry Lee married Lucy Grymes,
the "Lowland Beauty." He died in 1787.
He was father of Light Horse Harry Lee,
and grandfather of General Robert E. Lee.
Lee, John, w-as the son of Hancock Lee and Mary Kendall, his wife, was clerk of Essex county from 1745 to 1761, and bur- gess from 1761 to 1767. He died August II, 1789, at the home of his nephew, John Lee, Jr.. son of his brother Hancock Lee.
Lee, Richard, the second son of Henry Lee and Mary Bland, his wife, was born about 1726, and was generally known as "Squire Richard Lee." He was a justice of the peace of Westmoreland county, one of the vestry of Cople parish, naval officer of the port of South Potomack; burgess from 1756 to 1775, member of the conventions of 1774, 1775, 1776; and of the house of dele- gates from 1777 to 1793. He married his first cousin, Sally, daughter of Peter Poy- thress. His will, dated February 6, 1790, was proved in Westmoreland county, March
Lee, William, was a practicing physician in York county in 1660. He had a brother George Lee, "citizen and grocer of London," who dealt largely with Virginia. Among the servants shipped over by him were his two nephews, John Jones and John Symonds. In 1660 George Lee sent his "brother" George Underwood to collect his dues in hands of his brother \\^illiam and others,
resident in Virginia.