Langbourn, William, was son of Robert
Langbourn and Mary Dandridge, his wife,
oi Fetter Lane, London. He was born Oc-
tober 21, 1723, came to \'irginia and settled
in King \\'illiam county. He married Sus-
anna Smith of "Shooter's Hill," Middlesex
county. He died March 19, 1766. He left
son William, who was lieutenant-colonel in
the iVmerican revolution.
Langhorne, John, probably a grandson of Captain John Langhorne living in 1689, was a burgess for Warwick county in 1748-1749. He was father of William Langhorne, who was a burgess for Warwick county in 1772- 1774, and 1775. the last session ; and mem- ber of the conventions of 1774 and 1775.
Langley, Ralph, a member of the family of Langleys of Yorkshire. England, residetl at York plantation, York county, Virginia, was justice, captain, burgess in 1657, and sherifif in 1667. He married Mary, widow of Robert Lewis, and died issueless in 1683.
Langley, William, son of William Lang- ley, who patented land in Lower Norfolk cr)unty in 1656. lie lived on Tanner's Creek, was a justice of the peace in 169;, captain in 1708, and a member of the house of bur- gesses in 1715. He married Margaret Thel- aball, daughter of James Thelaball and Elizabeth Mason, daughter of Francis Mason. He died about 1718. and left issue.
Lanier, John, came from England to Vir- ginia about 1670 and settled in Prince George county. He took sides with P>acon in the rebellion of 1676. He was ancestor of the poet Sidney Lanier. He made his will June 5, 171 7, which is recorded in Prince George county and names children
Nicholas, Sampson, John, Robert and
Sarah married Brewer.
Langston, Anthony, formerly ensign in Prince Maurice's regiment during the civil war. He spent fourteen years in Virginia, and on his return to England was a captain in the na\ al ser\ice. John Langston, who took part with Bacon in 1676, and left de- scendants in X'irginia was probably a near relative.
Lankford, Benjamin, was a burgess for
Pittsylvania county in the assembly of 1775- 1776 and a meml^er of the conventions of July. 1775, and May, 1776.
Latane, Rev. Lewis, a Huguenot, fled from France to England in 1685, after the revocation of the Edict of Xantes and came to \'irginia in 1700, where he at once be- came minister of South Farnham parish. Essex county. He was a man of education and high character. He died in 1733. leav- ing children John, Charlotte, Phebe. Henri- etta and Marian.
Lawne, Captain Christopher, arrived in X'irginia April 17, 1609, with 100 settlers, sent out bv a private company in which Richard XX'iseman, Nathaniel Basse and others were joined with him as associates. He settled on or near what is still known as Lawne's Creek, dividing Isle of Wight and Surry counties. Captain Lawne repre- sented his plantation in the first assembly July 30, 1619. He died before November 4, 1620. This was the first plantation in Isle of Wight county, X'irginia.
Lawrence, Rev. John, was the eldest son of John and Dorothy Lawrence of Worm-
leyberry Flouse, parish of Wormeley, Here-