\"1R( ilXlA I'.lOGRAPi-lY
and September, 1632, and a commissioner
in i()2(). Mis descendants have been num-
erous in Isle of Wight county. Richard
Jordan, a burgess for Isle of Wight in 1676
was probably a son.
Julian, William, was living at Elizabeth City in 1625. He patented 600 acres on the eastern branch of Elizabeth river July 4. 1^36. He was a justice of Low^er Norfolk county in 1637. in 1646 the governor and council relieved him from all his offices on account of his great age. His wife was named Sarah.
Justice, Ralph, burgess for Accomac county in 1 753-1 755, succeeding Edmund Allen, who accepted the office of sheriff.
Kecatough (Catataugh), brother of Pow- hatan, a chief of the Pamunkey Indians in 1607.
Keeling, William, a burgess for Princess
Anne countv in 175'^>-I75<^- He wa
scendant of Ensign Thomas Keeling, of
Power Norfolk county. 1A39. first of his
f.nmily in Virginia.
Keeton, John, was a burgess for Xanse- mond county. He was a Dutchman and was naturalized by act of assembly in 1^79.
Keith, George, is styled by John Smith as "a Scotchman who i)rofessed scholar- ship," was for a time minister at liermuda, but came to X'irginia in 1617. He was born in 1581. In 1624 he was minister of Eliza- beth City and in 1635 ^^^ ^'^^^ pastor of Chiskiak, one of the new settlements in the "\'ork. He was probably ancestor oi the celebrated George Keith, who figured in Pennsylvania at the close of the century.
Keith's or Skiffes creek in James City
county. X'irginia. perpetuates his name.
Keith, James, was a burgess from Hamp- shire in the sessions of November 3, 1761. Ji.nuary 14, I7r)2, and March 30, 1762. In the session of November 2. 1762, James Mercer represented Hampshire "in place of Jj'mes Keith, who had accepted a clerk- ship."
Keith, James, was a native of Scotland, c-aul on March 4. 1728-29, received the King's bounty of twenty pounds to go as minister to Virginia. He probably settled at first in Henrico county, where he married Mary I sham Randolph, daughter of Thomas Ran- dolph and Judith Fleming, a daughter of Colonel Charles Fleming. He then lived in Hamilton parish. Fauquier county, for many years. His daughter, Mary Randolph Keith, married Colonel Thomas Marshall, father of John Marshall, chief justice of the United States.
Kemp, Edmund, was nephew of Richard Kemp, secretary of state; justice for Lan- caster county in 1655 ; his widow married Sir Gray Skipwith. and his son Matthew was member of the council.
Kemp, Matthew, son of Colonel Matthew Kemp, member of the council, was burgess for Middlesex county in 1685, ^"^ 1692; justice from 1698 and sheriff 1706. His will was dated May 4, 1715 and proved in Mid- dlesex, January 2, 17 16. He left a son Mat- thew (q. v.).
Kemp, Matthew, son of Matthew Kemp, o^ ^Middlesex county, was born in 1695 ^"*^ died in December, 1739; was burgess for
Middlesex county in 1723-1726 and 1727-