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tcr of Colonel Nicholas Meriwether, of New- Kent. Me died and was buried at "Cheri- eoke" in 1734.

Johnson, Thomas, was a burgess from Northampton county in the assemblies of 1645. 1646. 1652. 1653 and 1654. He was one of the justices of the county court and lieu- tenant-colonel of the militia in 1656. His will, dated November 25, 165S, was proved December 28. 1658, and names sons Obe- dience and Richard Johnson and probably Thomas Johnson.

Johnson, Thomas, son of Thomas John- son of "Chericoke," (q. v.). was known as Thomas Johnson "major" to distinguish him from his nephew of the same name. He was member of the assembly from Louisa county from 1758 to 1775. of the county committee of safety, and of the conventions oi 1775 and 1776. He was also one of the signers of the association in 1769.

Johnson, William, was a burgess from Spottsylvania county in the assembly of

Johnson, William, ^on of Thomas lohn- son of "CherK(jke." was a member of the house of burgesses for Louisa in 1 761 -1765 -At the last session. May i, 1765, his place was taken by Patrick Henry, JoHnson hav- ing accepted the office of coroner. He mar- ried Elizabeth Hutchinson. His son Thomas, was father of the celel)rated law- yer, Chai)man Johnson.

Johnston, Andrew, a native of (ilasgow. in Scotland, was born in 1742; came to Petersburg. A'irginia. where he acquired a Irirge fortune as a merchant. ?Ie died May 5. 1785-

Johnston, George, an eminent lawyer of l-'airfax county, burgess in the assemblies of 1758-1761 and 1761-1765. He seconded in ci powerful and logical speech Patrick Henry's resolutions of May 30, 1765, against the Stamp Act. He lived in Alexandria. He was reelected to a seat in the assembly which convened November 4, 1766, but died in the summer of 1766. He married Sarah McCarty, daughter of Major Dennis Mc- Carty. of Westmoreland county, Virginia. His will dated b'ebruary 2t,, 1766, was proved January 19, 1767, and names wife, Sarah, and children. ]\Iary Massey, George and William Johnston. George Johnston, one of these was lieutenant-colonel and aide- de-camp to \\'ashington, and his confiden- tial military secretary from December, 1776, until his death at Morristown. June. 1777.

Johnston, Peter, was born at Annan, in Scotland in 1710. come from Edinburgh to Osborne's on James river, where he was a ];rominent merchant: he moved to Prince Edward coutity for which he was a burgess at the assembly of May, 1769. He gave the land on which Hampden Sidney College was established, and his will, w^hich was ]jroved December 18, 1786, shows that he was a man of culture. He married Martha Rogers, a widow\ daughter of John Butler, ar.d had Peter, born 1763. judge of the gen- eral court, anfl father of General Jo'^e|)h E. Johnston.

Johnston, William, was a burgess from Spottsylvania county in the sessions of May 19, 1763. January 12, 1764, October 30. 1764. and May i. 1765.

Jones, Anthony, was born in 1598 and

came to Virginia in 1620; burgess for Isle

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